Controversy over Provision of Contraceptives for Teenagers

Controversy over Provision of Contraceptives for Teenagers
(Source: Ministry of Health/BKKBN/BPS/Ministry of PPPA/MIAngka Research and Development)

The use of contraceptives is generally intended to prevent pregnancy and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to different ways of use, the device has several types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The Government Regulation (PP) on Health has recently sparked controversy. There is an article that mentions the provision of contraceptives for school-age groups and teenagers and it has invited sharp polemics in society. The article has sparked a commotion because it is considered to legalize free sex among teenagers.

Indonesia currently faces many issues regarding adolescent reproduction, ranging from early pregnancy, the phenomenon of extramarital sex, to early marriage.

The government must consider the long-term impact of the policy, which aims to support the welfare of young people. Early marriage often has serious consequences that affect various aspects of life, especially among young people.

Almost all of society, even countries, do not recommend early marriage. The reason is that there are many negative impacts that can occur such as the risk stuntinghigh maternal and infant mortality rates, high school dropout rates, increasing poverty rates, and the risk of domestic violence (KDRT).

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