The Iranian M. Amini was honored with the EP Sakharov Prize: her family did not come to the ceremony because their passports were confiscated

Her relatives, who were supposed to come to collect the award, were stopped by the Iranian authorities, so it was given to the lawyer representing Ms. Amini’s family and two women’s rights activists.

The award, which also goes to the global Women, Life, Freedom movement, is the latest international recognition for women challenging Iran’s theocracy, after imprisoned activist Narges Mohammadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Confiscated passports

Amini’s mother, father and brother did not attend the ceremony at the EP headquarters in Strasbourg, France, as Iranian authorities reportedly confiscated their passports and barred them from flying to receive the Andrei Sakharov Prize, the highest award given annually to people who have made a significant contribution to the cause of humanity. rights or democracy.

Ms Amini’s mother, Mojgan Eftekhari, said in a speech read by the family’s lawyer, Saleh Nikbakht, that they had been deprived of the opportunity to participate in violation of all legal and humane standards.

She said her daughter’s name “became a secret code for freedom and spread the dream of freedom from her native Kurdistan to all of Iran, the Middle East and the world.”

“Her life was wrongly taken, they thought by taking her life they would stop her being and becoming,” the speech said.

Died after being detained by Iran’s moral police

A 22-year-old Iranian woman of Kurdish origin died on September 16, 2022, after being detained by Iran’s so-called morality police for allegedly violating the country’s strict dress code for women.

Her death sparked mass protests in Iran and the global “Women, Life, Freedom” movement calling for an end to the rule of Muslim clerics in the Shiite republic and Tehran’s requirement that women wear headscarves.

Iran’s security forces have cracked down on protests inside the country, killing hundreds of people and executing dozens for suspected participation in protests that officials have called riots.

The Iranian government’s refusal to allow Mr. Amini’s family to attend the ceremony sparked outrage among MEPs. According to them, Tehran is trying to suppress the supporters of the dead girl.

“Don’t shake their hands”

“This kind of behavior is another example of what the Iranian people face every day,” said Parliament Speaker Roberta Metsola.

“I would like to say that the courage and tenacity of Iranian women in their struggle for justice, freedom and human rights will not be stopped.” Their voices cannot be silenced and although they are not here today, their presence will be felt,” she added.

Afsoon Najafi and Mersedeh Shahinkar, two prominent Iranian activists living in exile, accepted the award on behalf of the Woman, Life, Freedom movement.

Najafi’s sister was killed in the anti-government protests that swept Iran after Amini’s death. Meanwhile, Ms Shahinkar faced brutality from Iranian security forces when she was shot in the eye.

“We stand here on behalf of all women and we are tired of the Iranian regime,” the latter said at the press conference. – The Islamic Republic does not represent the people of Iran. I and the people who are protesting are the sound and voices of the Iranian people.”

Brussels has imposed sanctions on a number of Iranian officials over its crackdown on demonstrators.

According to A. Najafi, many Iranians are still suffering and being tortured by the country’s authorities.

“The Islamic Republic, by putting pressure on the people of Iran, does not allow them to do anything,” she said and called on the international community to further isolate Tehran.

“It’s time for politicians to stop supporting them or shaking hands with them,” the activist added.

#Iranian #Amini #honored #Sakharov #Prize #family #ceremony #passports #confiscated
2024-08-11 02:05:51



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