Barbastro and the Benasque Valley are in mourning for the death of businessman Jorge Mayoral Meya | Radio Huesca

Barbastro and the Benasque Valley are in mourning for the death of Jorge Mayoral Meya, who passed away yesterday Monday at the age of 78. The businessman from Barbastro has not been able to overcome cancer that was detected a few years ago and his funeral will be today Tuesday at the Barbastro Cathedral at 18.00.

Jorge Mayoral, in addition to being a benchmark in the business world, has been especially important in the preservation of historical heritage. Together with his brother José María, they would set up the company Embutidos Mayoral during the second half of the 20th century. Decades later, Jorge Mayoral and a series of enthusiastic entrepreneurs from the Pyrenees would carry out one of their dreams in their beloved valley of Benasque, the restoration of the old Hospital, in Los Llanos, on the border with France, which served to care for pilgrims and anyone who crossed the mountain range.

He spent several seasons in Benasque and sent many photographs from there about the valley’s climate. His passion for recovering the history of Barbastro also led him to preserve an important photographic archive of the city from the last century and he has been the author of audiovisual montages on various topics.



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