They denounce a plot against the budget expansion

Cabal Party deputy Luis Aguirre stated that there is a plot by Vamos party deputies to prevent the approval of a budget increase of Q11 billion. According to the consensus between the allied benches, the Executive’s counterproposal will be known in the plenary session next Tuesday, August 13.

But the issue has divided the parties, and even some opposition district legislators are expected to support the bill, since resources would be allocated to municipal works.

The proposal has not been well received by the main opposition party, Vamos, which claims that approving an extension of the Executive would capitalize them and Allan Rodríguez, one of the leaders of the group, would lose power.

The discussion between one of the negotiators, Luis Aguirre, from the Cabal bloc, and Rodríguez came to blows last Thursday night. Vamos insists on not giving more resources to the ruling party.

According to several legislators who were there, Aguirre went to a restaurant in zone 10 to celebrate the birthday of the deputy of the Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza (UNE) Darwin Ramírez. At that same place, Rodríguez showed up to question Aguirre about why he wanted to remove the attorney general and the magistrates. Aguirre responded that it was not true, and told him that what he is promoting is the budget increase. Minutes before, Aguirre had received messages by phone from Rodríguez, threatening him.

“They were both sitting at a table arguing and Aguirre was the one who landed the first punch in the face. We only saw Allan’s bodyguards attack Luis with their weapons. There was a tense moment, because Aguirre also has his own security; that’s when we intervened,” said the source.

Vamos MP Allan Rodríguez responded in a video posted on his social networks that he was indeed invited to a birthday party and that when he arrived they were already intoxicated. “It is false that it came to blows, I would never have allowed it,” he said.

“There is a plot based on intimidation and threats by them – Vamos – so that the expansion does not pass,” said Aguirre. The congressman said that the arguments for not supporting the initiative and uttering threats are illegal, although they have not filed a complaint.

“They say that the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) and the Constitutional Court will take action against the initiative and against the deputies who vote in favor,” said the legislator.

Last Wednesday, the MP conducted a procedure in Congress seeking information on the 022 hired by the Board of Directors and the parliamentary parties.

According to the investigative body, the request was based on a complaint filed “for possible irregularities in the hiring of personnel,” which advisors of the bloc see as intimidation. In addition, Aguirre has been intimidated with direct messages and threats.

Asked whether other deputies have been threatened by the parliamentarian —Rodríguez—, Aguirre did not confirm it, but assumes that they have.



They analyze the position

Deputy Adim Maldonado, from the National Unity of Hope (UNE), said that he has not met with parliamentarians from the Vamos party, so no comments or insults have been made against him and he does not know if there is a plot as Aguirre claims.

“The deputies are autonomous in their decision-making. I do not know what parliamentary tactics the people of the ruling party are using to reach a majority and approve a budget increase,” he said.

Maldonado said they are waiting for the agreements to be reached on Monday during the session of the leaders of the blocs, where the legislative agenda will be planned.

Regarding the budget increase, Maldonado said that the issue is being analyzed, although he would have expected the increase to be decided by the finance committee.

“By introducing transparency rules, reducing the amount requested by the Executive, eliminating items that are not necessary, such as a serious emergency fund. The budget law for this year establishes an amount of Q110 million annually for emergency issues. These issues should not be included; therefore, we are analyzing what position will be taken,” he added.

“I demand that Bernardo Arévalo refrain from continuing to send emissaries offering projects, debt payments and other perks in exchange for supporting the budget expansion,” said Congressman Allan Rodríguez.

He claimed that with the extension the ruling party is seeking to compromise the deputies “by taking advantage of the need for the commitments they have made,” the legislator concluded.


On July 15, Winaq deputy Sonia Gutiérrez filed a complaint against Rodríguez, who, according to the legislator, along with other representatives of her bloc, arrived at her office four days earlier to threaten and intimidate her.

Among the crimes reported by the legislator are threats, intimidation and violence against women. “He is known for his arrogance in his abuse of authority,” said Gutiérrez.

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