Baleg Ensures No Discussion of Four Crucial Bills During Recess

Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR Achmad Baidowi (left). (Antara)

Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR), Achmad Baidowi (Awi), confirmed that there was no discussion, especially regarding the revision of 4 crucial laws that were being rushed to be completed immediately.

“There was no discussion. Everyone is waiting for the trial period to open,” he said when contacted, Saturday (10/8/2024).

The four bills that caused public polemics were the TNI and Polri, the State Ministry Bill, and the Wantimpres Bill. Previously, the DPR Baleg held a discussion on the Draft Law on the transfer (carry over) to the next DPR members for the 2024-2029 period.

Led by the Chairman of the DPR Baleg Supratman Andi Agtas, the agenda was included to evaluate the 2024 priority bill prolegnas and map out bills that fall into the carry over category.

Supratman said there are several bills that are expected to be sent to the Problem Inventory List (DIM) by the government soon. There are six bills that are the result of the DPR Baleg initiative proposals that will be discussed further, the TNI Bill, the Polri Bill, the Immigration Bill, the State Ministry Bill, and the Supreme Advisory Council (DPA) Bill. (Sru/P-3)

#Baleg #Ensures #Discussion #Crucial #Bills #Recess



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