MOPC registers 40% budget execution at the end of July

Asuncion, IP Agency.- In the first seven months of the year, the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) spent USD 396 million, which represents 40% of its current financial plan for this fiscal year. The institution claims that this is a constant progress reflected in the dynamics and progress of its projects and programs.

The report from the Economic Planning Directorate (DPE), with data from the Integrated Financial Administration System (SIAF), highlights the execution in the area of ​​Physical Investment (works), which reaches almost USD 270 million accumulated by the month of July, equivalent to 37% of the budget assigned for this concept.

This amount is considered significant given the challenging context faced by the current administration, dealing with the payment of inherited debts and the need to keep the main works in progress, as well as the launch of new works.

Progress in the execution of the state portfolio’s budget requires intense operational work, both in the field of construction and in administrative processes. This work requires close coordination with other government entities, such as the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the National Directorate of Public Procurement (DNCP).

Investment advances in line with the fiscal goal

The MOPC reports that the current administration is operating in a context of returning to the fiscal target, which implies a more limited budgetary space compared to previous years. Despite this restriction, the ministry is working in coordination with the MEF to design investment plans that allow maintaining satisfactory levels of public works, with the dual objective of reducing the infrastructure gap and stimulating the economy and employment.

A significant fact is that, compared to similar periods of previous governments, the accumulated budget execution in the first 11 months of the current administration (USD 941 million) shows a significant increase, being 95% higher than the same period in 2018-2019.

These data reflect the commitment of the MOPC to aim for efficiency in the process of progressing works and executing infrastructure projects and therefore also in budget execution, strongly contributing to the development of the country.

#MOPC #registers #budget #execution #July
2024-08-10 19:06:53



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