The intimacy of Alberto Fernandez’s downfall: ‘It was a villain’

2024-08-10 10:18:00

this is a scoundrel”, Alberto Fernández reiterated again and again. He did this on Sunday, when it became known that there was information to open a case of gender-based violence; on Tuesday, when Fabiola Yañez ) demanded that the case be undocumented so she could testify, he insisted on doing so, minutes after photos of his beaten ex-wife emerged Thursday night. The scene was repeated over and over again, in addition to judicial tactics. This scene was narrated to the most trusted people who visited him in the province of Puerto Madero. Meanwhile, this Friday night’s judicial action was the raid on his apartment in Puerto Madero and the confiscation of his mobile phone. .

Those listening to it seemed to be transported back to three years ago, when the scandal over Olivos’ parties during the pandemic loomed. At that time, when this image had not yet dominated the media, The former president denied that such a dinner ever took place. When the photos emerged, he promised This is a Photoshop. He told the story not only to the media, but also to his main partners Cristina Kirchner and Sergio Massa. With the portrait confirmed, he uttered the words that now haunt him: “My dear Fabiola” His defense seemed to point to his ex-wife.

Alberto Fernández “resigns as president of the Popular Party with great pain so as not to tarnish the honor I deserve”

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

The former head of state this Friday finalized the judicial strategy. “He denied everything from me and said he would be able to prove it in court.I don’t know what to tell you. Now let him act in court,” a government leader told PERFIL. Alberto Fernández’s legal team is accompanied by: Silvina Irene Carrera Prepare to defend. They interrupted the organization of the strategy for several hours so that Fernandez could provide a report to the newspaper. nation It is understood he will also dismiss Spain’s accusations.

Alberto Fernandez. Photo: TÉLAM/FANTON OSVALDO

So far, no one around him has admitted that he knew what was going on in the presidential villa. Those closest to him assured him It was unusual to enter the house. He shared this with his wife at the time. Those who worked for the government and attended Olivos Farm usually occupied the various offices of the Chief of Staff located at the entrance. From there it’s about 200 meters to the hut. “You only go if I invite you to lunch or dinner, I invite governors or leaders, but we never meet Fabiola,” they detailed. There were even leaders from his inner circle who accompanied him through these four years.

This is all very unfair”, another phrase repeated by Fernandez since Sunday, via horn The investigation that named him a defendant “This whole thing has been a nightmare,” he insisted, denying that he was the instigator of the beating. He promised that he would submit the evidence to the judiciary and that he would be able to prove it. He also targeted his ex-wife at anyone who wrote, called or visited him.

Details of Fabiola Yáñez revealed in Spain following complaints against Alberto Fernandez: “She is alone, persecuted and afraid

Officials close to the president, e.g. Julio Vitobello The General Secretariat of the Presidency, which has been in charge for four years, saw the news on Saturday and already knew the case would be made public. Days passed and he still hadn’t come back. “I don’t know anything,” said others who accompanied Fernandez in the government, while admitting that “very lonely”.

The Puerto Madero apartment where Alberto Fernandez lived was raided on Friday. The former head of state must hand over his mobile phone while a judge ordered the summary to be kept secret. In the previous hours, he assured lawyers that they would not find evidence of assault, information in the case with Fabiola Yáñez They’re not on their phone, there won’t be messages there. The lawyer took him at his word and reviewed the chat. Politics, on the other hand, knows that anything can happen.

Fabiola spent days of loneliness and fear in Madrid

Former first lady Fabiola Yáñez continues to be jailed in Madrid after she condemned physical and psychological violence against her ex-partner Alberto Fernandez and her two-year-old son Francisco Fernandez.

The former president and his current partner settled in the Spanish capital late last year. Fernandez’s original plan was to teach law courses at Camilo José Serra University. His departure from the Rose Palace was traumatizing as the Todos Front experienced intense internal conflict and poor economic performance.

But three months ago, Fernandez returned to the country permanently to stay amid news that his relationship with Fabiola had broken down.

She is lonely, persecuted, and scared.”, explains the Argentinian journalist Anna Gershensoncorrespondent alpha media In an interview in Madrid, she revealed details of the former First Lady’s life in Spain radio rivadavia.

Fabiola Yanez20240810 Fabiola Yanez.

“The last public appearance was in El Rastro, a street market where I was alone, asking about old books and paintings. She was able to go out because her mother was around, and that was her environment. But not friends,” the Argentinian journalist explained.

Judge Julian Ercolini She requested (at Yáñez’s request) that the conservatorship she enjoyed as the former first lady be strengthened. therefore Patricia Burridge Ordered the dispatch of members of the Federal Police to Madrid. Fabiola is scared and alone with her mother.

“They settled in December, Fabiola Yañez came first, near Salamanca, like Recoleta, where all the luxury brands are. It was seen They opened an account with Santander and had dinner together when they were still a couple. four seasonsone thousand euros per piece,” explains Gerschenson.

Furthermore, he told Fernandez of his original plan: “When he comes, he will be Pedro Sanchezhe didn’t understand. He originally planned to teach at the University of Camilo José Serra, but he also did not succeed. In fact, he came and went from Madrid all because of privileged retirement issues.

Now barred from leaving the country due to Judge Ercolini’s restrictions, Fernandez maintains contact with his son via video chat.


#intimacy #Alberto #Fernandezs #downfall #villain



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