Freedom Sailing: Farmers and Ranchers cannot and should not wait!

In his announcement, Mr. Aleiftira states:

Farmers and Ranchers cannot and should not wait! The Government should immediately take support measures, without excuses!

The payment made by ELGA on July 25 to “pay off” the damages from the DANIEL phenomenon caused the righteous anger and indignation of farmers and breeders, as they either received less money than they expected or did not receive a single euro.

At the meeting held last week between the political leadership of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and representatives of farmers and breeders, the Minister Mr. Tsiaras told the farmers that the failures admittedly presented in the last payment will be corrected and a supplementary payment will be made at the end of September , as well as that the expectation for more money than what is provided for in the ELGA regulation that the farmers had, after the commitment of the Prime Minister Mr. Mitsotakis himself, ended with the refusal of the European Commission.

The breeders asked the Minister for the due financial support of the State due to the destruction they have suffered from the plague. And while the plague has been wiping out entire livestock units for a month from one end to the other in the territory and no one in charge has answered us who is responsible for this unprecedented situation, the responsible Minister only today seems to have realized the scale of the disaster and sent to the responsible Commissioner Agriculture and Fisheries of the EU request for additional financial support for livestock farmers.

Freedom Sailing, which fully and without asterisks supports the demands of farmers and breeders as well as the mobilizations that are carried out to satisfy them, requests from the competent Minister:

The procedures should be completed immediately and all farmers and breeders should be paid immediately and not at the end of September.

To provide financial assistance to those farmers who have lost their animals and also to those who, applying the measures of the government, have no income at all while their expenses are increasing due to the prices of animal feed. In addition, their tax and insurance obligations as well as auctions should be suspended for as long as required.

To publicize the request that our country submitted to the European Union for the payment of additional money than what is stipulated in the ELGA regulation as well as the Commission’s response, which, according to the Minister’s statements, responded negatively.

Freedom Sailing will continue to advocate and give voice to people in the primary sector both in Greece and in Europe.

#Freedom #Sailing #Farmers #Ranchers #wait



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