Social reintegration programs will be expanded to strengthen the new model of prison management

Asuncion, IP Agency.- A series of prison visits was initiated by the Ministry of Justice, through the Directorate of Social Welfare and Reintegration, with the aim of expanding employment opportunity programs for persons deprived of liberty, eradicating idleness and corrupt practices based on the New Model of Penitentiary Management.

The starting point was the Misiones Regional Penitentiary and the work initiated addresses a research monitoring of the ongoing reintegration management model.

The aim is to achieve a restructuring that will expand the range of social reintegration programs with the aim of eradicating idleness and corrupt practices, said Rosalía González, Director of Welfare and Social Reintegration.

During the intervention process, inspections were carried out in the workshops for carpentry, electricity, leather goods, music and garden modules, and interviews were conducted with persons deprived of liberty.

Also, verification of attendance sheets and professional guidance of work, monitoring of active programs and assessment of needs, in addition to other data of interest.

The delegation of specialist technicians from the Justice portfolio is made up of Guido González Cárdenas, head of the Department of Labor Production, and Ana Morales, head of the Department of Education and Post-Penitentiary Assistance.

The event in Misiones was attended by Arturo Martínez Jara, director of the prison; Pablo Ojeda, coordinator of Social Reintegration; Sandra Del Puerto, in charge of Labor Reintegration; and chaplain Cristóbal Leiva, in charge of the Comprehensive Transformation Program.

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2024-08-10 05:54:17



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