Public transport reform project includes expansion of exclusive bus lanes

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The bill to reform public transport is in the final stages of drafting and will be presented this month through the Vice Ministry of Transport of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC). It contemplates the expansion and improvement of exclusive bus lanes, considering the success of the single lane on the PY03 route.

The plan also includes a gradual integration of tariffs to facilitate the adaptation of citizens. As a first step, a pilot plan will be implemented with the incorporation of 30 electric buses with the support program of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

In order to modernise and improve the efficiency of urban mobility, the proposal includes a series of structural and technological changes.

The Minister of Public Works, Claudia Centurión, explained that the new law proposes separating the provision of the fleet from the management of the itinerary through separate contracts. This breaks with the current model in which a single company manages both aspects.

The initial investment for the comprehensive reform is USD 300 million, funds that the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, secured after the negotiation with Itaipú.

Centurión emphasized that this reform is not limited to a single government period, but is established as a State policy. The goal is to incorporate 1,000 buses in four years, but this is only the beginning, as the transformation will be a continuous and sustained process.

#Public #transport #reform #project #includes #expansion #exclusive #bus #lanes
2024-08-09 22:34:28



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