In Vorms you can see an exhibition about related peoples – Lääne Elu

Opening of Tõnu Seilenthal’s exhibition. Photo: private collection

Opening of Tõnu Seilenthal’s exhibition. Photo: private collection

On the 27th of July, Tartu University linguist, associate professor emeritus and member of the board of the NGO Fenno-Ugria, Tõnu Seilenthal opened a photo exhibition “Eggs from a waterfowl’s nest” in the Vormsi community hall.

The meritorious Fennougrist’s photos from the years 1968, 1969, 1970 and 1971 capture moments from the lives of our relatives – Nenets, Komi, Khanty, Mari, Vadja, Karelia, as well as Estonians. Most of the photos were taken during Lennart Meri’s film expeditions to the Finno-Ugric peoples, where Tõnu Seilenthal was the editor-ethnographer. Therefore, Lennart Meri also saw the documentary film “The Water Bird People” (1970) at the opening.

The negatives of the exhibition photos have been digitized and corrected by Enn Säde, the sound director of the films. This is the first presentation of a new print of the exhibition completed in 2017. “These pictures show our language relatives on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, the Urals, Western Siberia, the Volga region and Western Inger – in very different circumstances than ours. The exotic, sometimes harsh conditions seen in the pictures may seem distant, perhaps already forgotten worlds. Yet we are all alike,” said Seilenthal.

Both the location of the exhibition in Vormsi and the opening time are significant – the event took place as part of the Olive Day celebrations currently taking place on the island, but President Meri, the author of the aforementioned film(s), visited the Olive Day events every year during his tenure.

You can see the exhibition with your own eyes at Vorms until the end of the summer.

2024-08-09 06:52:49
#Vorms #exhibition #related #peoples #Lääne #Elu



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