Minister of Home Affairs Asks Acting Governors of Papua and South Papua to Handle Infrastructure Issues

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian inaugurates the acting governors of Papua and South Papua. (Puspen Kemendagri.)

Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Muhammad Tito Karnavian asked the two newly appointed acting governors in the Papua region to immediately resolve the challenges in their respective regions. The two are Acting Governor of South Papua Rudy Sufahriadi and Acting Governor of Papua Ramses Limbong.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Home Affairs at the Inauguration of the Acting Governor of South Papua and Papua Combined with the Inauguration of the Acting Chairperson of the TP PKK of South Papua and Papua Provinces and the Inauguration of the Acting Chairperson of the Provincial Posyandu Supervisory Board at the Sasana Bhakti Praja (SBP) Building, Head Office of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), Jakarta, Monday (5/8)

Specifically in South Papua Province, the Minister of Home Affairs asked Rudy Sufahriadi to resolve a number of challenges, one of which is the construction of government building infrastructure. According to the Minister of Home Affairs, so far the Ministry of Home Affairs together with related parties have coordinated to resolve the issue.

In addition, the Minister of Home Affairs also asked Rudy to help make the special food estate program in South Papua a success. The program was initiated by the government to boost rice and sugar cane production for national consumption needs. Moreover, South Papua is known to have extensive, fertile land and sufficient water content.

“This is what may need to be coordinated, national programs with the Minister of Investment and the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Defense. So that the program can run well, but also contain, provide benefits to local communities to improve their welfare,” said the Minister of Home Affairs.

In addition, the challenge that needs to be overcome is the preparation for the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). The South Papua Provincial Government was asked to ensure that the budget realization for the 2024 Pilkada had been fulfilled, including at the district/city level.

Also read: Acting Regional Head Plays Online Gambling, Minister of Home Affairs: I Will Replace Him

“So we hope that the regional elections can take place safely, smoothly and democratically,” added the Minister of Home Affairs.

On that occasion, the Minister of Home Affairs also encouraged Ramses Limbong to resolve challenges in Papua Province, especially internal issues. After the inauguration of the new autonomous region (DOB) in Papua, it was discovered that a number of aspects needed to be adjusted. This is what needs to be addressed by the Acting Governor of Papua and his staff.

In addition, it is also necessary to continue coordinating with related parties to overcome external challenges in Papua. “Coordination with Forkopimda, there are the Regional Police Chief, the Military Commander, the Head of Intelligence Agency, and the Prosecutor’s Office. Coordinate well, community leaders, churches, the MRP, the DPRP, and all, including overseeing the Pilkada so that it can run smoothly, not only at the provincial level, but also at the district and city levels,” concluded the Minister of Home Affairs. (H-3)

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