Antonio Alonzo Ruiz: Mental health risks

Antonio Alonzo Ruiz: Mental health risks

“Insecure attachment” is a risk factor for mental health throughout the entire process of human development, which means that it can develop and develop even in adulthood.

Research has been done on the deficits associated with “disorganized attachment” in relation to Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The most representative is the “fear of abandonment” which, if we look closely, is at the base of the other deficits linked to BPD.

For example, someone who lives with “fear of being abandoned” will probably have intense and unstable interpersonal relationships, which, in turn, are characteristics of BPD.

Another deficit of “disorganized attachment” related to BPD is “intense and impulsive behavior” characterized by rapid, unexpected and excessive reactions, which are also related to non-suicidal self-harming behaviors, which occur through direct damage: cuts, burns, scratches, or indirect damage: overingestion of medications, food, alcohol or exposure to dangerous situations.

These intense and impulsive behaviors indicate a significant deficit in emotional regulation, which is a process that is learned progressively from childhood and through the “secure attachment figure”; in other words, due to the lack of “good parents” – caregivers and close ones – in childhood, there is usually a lack of emotional management and impulse control in youth or adulthood.

This lack of support in childhood often manifests itself in adulthood through painful feelings of emptiness.

Clinical psychologist, UVHM. Mental Health and Spirituality Tutor for Adults. WhatsApp: 9993-46-62-06.

Those who live with “fear of being abandoned” will have intense and unstable interpersonal relationships, which in turn are characteristics of BPD.

#Antonio #Alonzo #Ruiz #Mental #health #risks
2024-08-09 19:44:15



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