Taylor Swift cancellation: According to Nehammer, the situation was “very serious”

Thanks to the police and the DSN, the “threat was recognized early, combated and a tragedy prevented.” For the fans, however, it was a “bitter disappointment,” said the Chancellor on X. SPÖ leader Andreas Babler also called the situation “heartbreaking.”

Video: ZiB special on the cancellation

“Months of anticipation and then the end,” said Babler via X. The coming days should have been a celebration. “Terror wants to divide, stir up fear, weaken our democracy and our togetherness. We must never let that happen.”

The Chancellor expressed a similar view: “Islamist terrorism threatens security and freedom in many Western countries,” stressed Nehammer. “That is precisely why we will not give up our values ​​such as freedom and democracy, but will defend them even more vehemently.”

“I’m so sorry for all the fans”

“I feel so sorry for all the fans who brought so much joy to Vienna,” said Vienna’s Vice Mayor and Education Councillor Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS). One should not allow oneself to be intimidated by “madmen.”

For Lower Austria’s governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP), the cancellation of the concerts is “understandable from the organizer’s point of view, but unfortunately also a success for radical Islamists.” After all, that is exactly what the terrorists want. “We cannot allow that,” said Mikl-Leitner: “Every success for these inhuman terrorists is a step backwards for our civilized world – and that is unacceptable.”

“Shocked and concerned”

After the two terror suspects were arrested, Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) thanked the investigators. “Terrorists want to scare us and drive us apart. We will not allow our way of life to be destroyed,” said Kogler on X.

Lower Austria’s deputy governor Udo Landbauer (FPÖ) was also “shocked and concerned”. The fact that numerous residents and pensioners had to be evacuated in the search for explosives, chemicals and weapons only shows the danger posed by radical Islamists and how great their hatred of Western values ​​is, said Landbauer in a press release.



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