World Breastfeeding Week addresses the importance of medical professional support for parents

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Breastfeeding Week is an initiative promoted by an international organization that seeks to highlight the importance of breastfeeding through annual activities that address different topics. In this context, the Chair and Service of Gynecology-Obstetrics of the UNA Faculty of Medical Sciences held an informative talk aimed at pregnant women who attend their prenatal checkups.

The main objective is to identify the moments in which parents need more support from health personnel to achieve breastfeeding that is sufficiently satisfactory for the mother, the baby and the family, said Patricia Naveira, an obstetrician from the inpatient area and lactation consultant, during the talk.

She also addressed several myths about breastfeeding that still persist, such as the belief that babies must breastfeed at specific times. In this regard, she pointed out that we always set schedules for the baby, but the reality is that each baby is different and has its own way of breastfeeding. When we do something so rigid, mothers begin to doubt whether their milk is sufficient, which often leads to the early introduction of formula, she stressed.

Another myth that has been debunked is that of “sagging breasts” due to breastfeeding. The obstetrician clarified that breastfeeding, instead of causing sagging, helps to maintain the firmness of the breast due to the changes that the mammary gland undergoes. She stressed that breast sagging is more related to factors such as genetics and weight gain, not to breastfeeding.

Importance of Breastfeeding

Ms. Naveira also highlighted the benefits of breastfeeding for the health of the baby, stressing that breast milk is specific to each baby and provides immunity, vitamins and protection against various diseases. “A baby who is breastfed has fewer respiratory problems, fewer diarrheal diseases and is better protected during the first year of life,” she said.

She also stressed that the decision to breastfeed is a personal one, but it is the responsibility of health personnel, especially obstetricians, to provide the necessary information from the beginning of pregnancy.

She said they organised the event to demystify and provide up-to-date information to enable expectant mothers to be prepared when their babies are born.

The Gynecology-Obstetrics Department and Service of FCMUNA will continue with activities throughout the week to promote and support breastfeeding, providing mothers with the tools and knowledge necessary for successful breastfeeding.

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2024-08-09 05:57:43



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