you end up in court –

Federico Mollicone, a member of the Fratelli d’Italia party and president of the Chamber’s Culture Committee, responds in a post on X to the article that «Il Foglio» dedicated to him today. «Gaffes, excessive power, controversy, absenteeism in the Culture Committee. Portrait of Federico Mollicone, Meloni’s Toninelli», is the title of the piece. In a message addressed to the director Claudio Cerasa, he writes: «The campaign to discredit Il Foglio continues, which, instead of reporting the political and parliamentary activity of the undersigned, resorts to the usual mockery, which among other things, due to a singular heterogenesis of purposes, makes people laugh, but not for the reason the newspaper thinks, but because it seems like an editorial team of unresolved teenagers who throw papers at each other and make obscene jokes among themselves. In the last article your editor forgot to mention the numbers of the VII Commission of which I am proudly President: since the beginning of the legislature we have concluded the process of 14 legislative acts in the referring seat, approving 4 proposed laws in the legislative seat – the fifth will be approved this week (they now call us a small Parliament) – and we have then approved 10 Resolutions, 43 opinions on Government acts and 90 opinions in the consultative seat».

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“With my first signature – continues Mollicone – the most advanced law in Europe was approved unanimously (with written approval from the European Commission) against digital piracy (publishing, audiovisual and sports) and also with my first signature we introduced for the first time in the legal system an organic regulation on historical reenactments and a delegation to the government to safeguard intangible cultural heritage, a law that will soon be approved in second reading in the Senate. We will soon approve the law on ‘Italy on stage’, for a more efficient management of public and private museum heritage according to the principle of subsidiarity. The accusation of absenteeism, given my role as President of the Commission, is absolutely unfounded and ridiculous like the entire defamatory piece. I have presided 141 times out of a total of 226 sessions of the Commission. While the two vice-presidents presided over the remaining 20%, I carried out missions that are part of my institutional duties and which are obviously not absences but parliamentary work”.

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“I think, therefore – writes Federico Mollicone – that the continuous loss of copies sold (it is not given to know how many given the total lack of survey but those in the know say less than 2000 with more than 2 million in public funding) may also depend on this ‘style’ of yours. As a former convinced Foglio member, I express solidarity with the founder, ex-communist now liberal whose intelligence has always fascinated me, for the fact that the newspaper has become the ‘Foglio di Rep’ and characterized by this journalistic style halfway between the films of Alvaro Vitali and Lino Banfi. Always honor to their pop comedy, but not to yours. PS I will also add this piece to the latest defamatory review that we will discuss in the courtroom in December. I am forced to reply here because, in contempt of any code of ethics and norms on the press, you have never published the replies and corrections that I have sent you over time. Now laugh about this. Best regards…”, concludes the deputy.

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#court #Tempo
2024-08-09 04:00:26



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