Relatives of Américo De Grazia reported that they do not know the whereabouts of the former deputy

  • His children ask to spread the word about their father’s disappearance

Relatives of the former mayor of the Piar municipality in the state of Bolívar, Américo De Grazia, reported that he has been missing since midday on August 7, and they hold the government of Nicolás Maduro responsible for anything that happens against his physical integrity.

“My father has been missing for 24 hours, we have no news of him, we do not know his whereabouts, we do not know his physical integrity. We are asking for answers from the relevant authorities,” said María De Grazia, the politician’s daughter, through your Instagram account.

In stories published on the social network, he said that after the presidential elections on July 28, his father had been persecuted for his political position, which is why he was under protection. “Last week he decided to travel to Caracas to make all the accusations public and go to the authorities,” he added.

“We have no news of my father”

Maria De Grazia explained that they lost contact with her father, Américo De Grazia, on August 7 at noon. She said that his phone was disconnected and he did not go to sleep at the place where he was staying in the capital.

“We, as his children, have been trying to locate him since yesterday. Normally my father communicates with one of us to tell us what is happening and then we communicate with the rest of the family, but for the first time, after a lifetime of persecution, we have no news of my father,” she explained.

Américo de Grazia was a member of the National Assembly for the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD). He also served as mayor for two terms and was a councilor for the Piar Municipality in the state of Bolívar.

During his administration, the leader began a battle to denounce gold mafias, the murders of miners and other irregularities that have occurred in the town for years.

Another leader arrested after July 28 elections

The opposition party Voluntad Popular (VP) denounced on the morning of July 30 that its national political coordinator Freddy Superlano had been “kidnapped” by officials Venezuelan state police.

On August 1, the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, spoke out about the arrest of Superlano, whom the Prosecutor’s Office links to the alleged hacking that, according to the authorities, the National Electoral Council (CNE) suffered on Sunday, July 28, when the presidential election was taking place.

After several days without knowing his whereabouts, lawyer Joel García confirmed on Tuesday, August 6, that Superlano is being held at the El Helicoide Penitentiary Center in Caracas.

However, Garcia said that they do not know the legal situation of the opposition leader because they do not have a trusted defense attorney.

#Relatives #Américo #Grazia #reported #whereabouts #deputy
2024-08-08 23:47:21



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