These healthy habits can cut your risk of cancer in half

2024-08-08 15:05:42

François Lehn, science/health journalist and author for 20 years, renowned “feather” and assistant to Professor David Servan-Schreiber.

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Cancer is one of the world’s most horrific diseases, affecting millions of people every year. Although some types of cancer are hereditary, the vast majority of cases are actually related to modifiable risk factors such as smoking, obesity and alcohol consumption. A recent study conducted by the American Cancer Society found that 40% of cancer cases can be attributed to these preventable risk factors. Let’s learn more about the key lifestyle habits that can significantly reduce your risk of cancer, as well as the most effective preventive measures.

Understand the impact of modifiable risk factors

The findings from the American Cancer Society are clear: Lifestyle-related risk factors are the leading cause of cancer, far ahead of genetic predisposition. In fact, only 5% to 10% of cancers are caused by genetic factors, while the rest are largely influenced by our daily habits.. The culprits include Smoking, being overweight, excessive alcohol consumption, a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. Even though some cancers may be influenced by a genetic predisposition, adopting a healthy lifestyle often helps to significantly reduce the risk.

Quitting smoking may reduce cancer risk 3

Smoking is by far the largest modifiable risk factor, responsible for nearly 20% of cancer cases and 30% of cancer-related deaths. Smoking greatly increases the chance of many cancers, including cancer of the lung, mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas, kidney and bladder. Fortunately, quitting smoking can significantly reduce these risks even in old age. In fact, ten years after quitting, ex-smokers found that their risk of cancer had been cut in half.

Reduce alcohol intake

Excessive alcohol consumption is also a major risk factor, accounting for approximately 6% of all cancer cases. Alcohol has been clearly identified as a carcinogen, specifically causing cancer of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, liver, colon and breast. While moderation is necessary, complete abstinence is still the best approach, especially for high-risk groups. Each drink you drink slightly increases your chances of getting cancer, so the less you drink, the better.

maintain a healthy weight

Overweight and obesity are important risk factors, accounting for approximately 7% of cancer cases. A high body mass index is associated with an increased risk of endometrial, kidney, gallbladder, esophageal, and breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Therefore, adopting healthy eating habits and engaging in regular physical activity are crucial to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing risk.

Get HPV vaccine

Certain infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV), can also promote the development of certain cancers. In fact, HPV is responsible for the vast majority of cervical cancers and a large proportion of anal, penile, vaginal, and oropharyngeal cancers. Fortunately, effective vaccines can prevent these HPV-related infections, thereby reducing the associated cancer risks.

Reduce UV exposure

Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, whether from the sun or tanning beds, is a major risk factor for skin cancer. This type of cancer is the most common in the world.. To protect yourself, it is recommended to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, wear covering clothing and regularly use sunscreen with a high protection factor.

Get tested regularly

In addition to lifestyle habits, regular check-ups also play an important role in preventing cancer. For example, it is recommended that women have mammograms every two years starting at age 40 to detect breast cancer early. Likewise, It is recommended that people at average risk start taking colorectal cancer screening tests, such as colonoscopy, at the age of 45. These tests can detect cancer in its early stages, thus facilitating treatment and increasing the chance of cure.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet

Diet also plays an important role in preventing cancer. Therefore, high consumption of fruits and vegetables, fiber, and fermented dairy products appears to be associated with a lower risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer. Conversely, eating high amounts of red and processed meat, refined sugar, or foods high in saturated fat may increase your risk. Therefore, a varied diet rich in plant foods and low in processed products is recommended.

move regularly

Regular physical activity is another important way to reduce your risk of cancer. According to research, People who are more physically active have about a 25% lower risk of cancer. All types combined compared to the most sedentary people. Physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces inflammation, and improves immune system function, all of which are beneficial in preventing cancer.

Manage your stress and emotions

Although the link between stress and cancer is still debated in the scientific community, numerous studies show that managing stress and emotions can play a role in preventing certain types of cancer. In fact, chronic stress weakens the immune system and promotes inflammation, two factors that may contribute to the development of tumors. Therefore, relaxation, meditation or therapy techniques are useful for better managing stress and emotions.

Limit exposure to contaminants

Although data are still limited, some Environmental pollutants such as fine aerosols, pesticides, or endocrine disruptors may also increase the risk of cancer. Even though these risk factors are more difficult to control individually, it’s important to be aware of your environment and choose products and foods with as little contamination as possible.

Closely monitor high-risk groups

Finally, close medical monitoring is crucial for people with a genetic predisposition or family history of cancer. Genetic testing can help identify genetic mutations associated with certain types of cancer, such as Lynch syndrome or mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. These high-risk groups will be able to benefit from more frequent screening programs and appropriate preventive measures.

Many healthy lifestyle habits can greatly reduce your risk of cancer. Quitting smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and getting checked up on time are all simple but necessary actions to prevent this terrible disease. Although some risk factors are beyond our control, adopting a healthy lifestyle can reduce your chances of developing cancer by half or even three times. It’s a win-win investment for your long-term health.

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