Querétaro government director Cristina Niño de Rivera removed from office after fleeing

MEXICO CITY (apro).- This Friday, the Querétaro Government Secretariat reported that the agency had terminated its employment relationship with the director of government, María Cristina Niño de Rivera Burgueño, after she posted a video on her Instagram account, in which he confessed to having “fled” from his office while some citizens were requesting an appointment with her.

Niño de Rivera filmed himself with his phone while driving inside a vehicle. “Listen, today I ran away from the office because you know, it’s the last day to renew. Then everyone suddenly said: ‘I forgot. And it’s because of time. And please. I promise. And well, no, the requirements with the requirements,” he explained laughingly about his escape from work.

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“But it makes me laugh a thousand times because there are a lot of people who don’t know that I am a director of government and they see me as small. The point is that literally, they don’t know how many people passed in front of me (making an appointment) and I was right next to them, but obviously they never imagine a young woman,” she said smiling.

Following the publication of the story on the account of the now former official, social media users criticized Niño de Rivera’s statements and actions:

“Well, the little girl or young woman (as she called herself) was a PRI member a few years ago and out of nowhere she is now aligned with the PAN and it turns out that she is a director of Government.”

“It’s one thing to be young and another to be unknown. And if they don’t know her, it’s because she never does anything.”

“People NOT fit for any important position. They get dizzy with everything.”

“Is this the profile of the people who occupy the Government Directorate in the Government Secretariat of the State of Qro. @Makugo? Between profiles like that of @cninoderivera, as well as that of @Luis_vegaricoy, the government leaves much to be desired and further aggravates the discourse of cronyism and payment of favors.”

According to X users, the lawyer allegedly spoke out in response to the criticism. “I made a comment that was easily taken out of context,” but it is no longer possible to verify that the statement is true, since Niño de Rivera closed her account on that platform, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

Finally, the Secretariat of Government of the Executive Branch of the State of Querétaro issued its statement on the matter, this Friday.

“Following the dissemination of material through social media involving the Director of Government, María Cristina Niño de Rivera Burgueño, the decision has been made to terminate the employment relationship she had with this department.”

The Secretariat also explained that the measure was taken “in accordance with the values ​​and principles that govern the public administration of the State.” The agency also reiterated that it seeks to maintain “high ethical and professional standards at all levels of its structure as established by the decalogue that governs public officials of the current administration.”



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