ferocious against reforms –

“Satisfied” with what has been done so far, “determined” to move forward with the resumption of work after the summer break. Giorgia Meloni, in the pages of ‘Chi’, takes stock before the holidays. “I couldn’t have done more – she says -. We are solving many problems, but many others still need to be solved”. The prime minister claims what has been done so far: “Today Italy is more stable, more central, more respected in the world”, “we have started reforms that have been awaited for decades”, she says, recalling the bill on the prime minister, the justice reform, differentiated autonomy, the tax reform. “All reforms against which the forces that want to preserve the status quo, or rather their privileges, are putting up a fierce opposition – she attacks – I think Italians understand why”.

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The leader of Fratelli d’Italia then accuses “the left” of “blaming” her “for everything”, from the centenary of the March on Rome to the Bologna massacre (after the recent controversy, last August 2nd with the president of the families of the Bologna victims) and defends her choice to have brought her daughter Ginevra with her to China on the occasion of the state visit. “It makes me smile that certain people consider themselves so morally superior that they can teach a mother how to raise her own daughter. I instead think that every mother knows what is best for her offspring and should choose freely. But there is more – Meloni emphasizes – it is also a cultural challenge that concerns all women: I think that, if I, who am Prime Minister, manage to demonstrate that my role is compatible with motherhood, then there will be no more excuses for those who use motherhood as a pretext for not advancing women in the workplace”, she adds, taking aim at those “who think they are defending women’s rights with battles like being called ‘the President’”.

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The prime minister then dismisses as unfounded the alleged frictions with Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi: “For weeks people have been trying to tell of Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s substantial intolerance towards the government, but that’s not the reality I live. I have relationships with both of them, I respect both of them, and I don’t consider them hostile people. That’s what the left would like, one of its many hopes that won’t come true”, she cuts short. After tomorrow’s Council of Ministers, in short, the prime minister will enjoy a period of vacation (“this year I think I have to impose a few days of rest on myself, more than usual”, she confides). With her, in addition to her daughter Ginevra, there will also be Andrea Giambruno. With him, she says, even if “the separation is definitive”, the relationship “has remained good”. “The three of us will also take a few days of vacation together with a group of friends and their children. For Ginevra. But also because we are still friends and we love each other”.

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#ferocious #reforms #Tempo
2024-08-08 20:46:32



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