What do the first data show about the 66-year-old? 2024-08-08 03:21:59

As announced yesterday by the Fire Department and the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, V. Kikilia, the 66-year-old was brought before the investigator yesterday and given a deadline to apologize tomorrow.

He is a 66-year-old man, PhD in Sociology at Panteion University and a graduate of the Economics Department of Aristotle University. In addition, according to his CV, he has been a professor at the Hellenic Police Training Schools for twelve consecutive years. According to ELAS sources, he was actually on the list of regular teachers of the ELAS Officers’ School and gave lectures in the context of the retraining of police officers.

In the meantime, new evidence is being revealed, as video footage shows the 66-year-old moving and setting fire. According to competent sources, the footage was taken from home and shop cameras. According to the same sources, from the material of the first day, it appears that he passes through a point where a fire develops in a short time, and from the material of the second night, he appears to throw a burning object on dry grass, without finally developing a fire. Then the man moves a few meters further where he sets a hearth in dry grasses and moves away, having previously made sure that the fire has established itself. At the same time, according to the same information, reports from residents confirm that the man seen in the video is the 66-year-old based on his features and the clothes he wears.

It is noted that according to the same sources, the 66-year-old had protested by sending electronic messages to the local government services about gross plots in his area, which is considered as a possible motive.

All the information has been forwarded to the competent investigative authorities, in order to charge him with the appropriate charges for each of the above actions and to continue the investigative and investigative process.

Fires in Vari: This is the 66-year-old university professor accused of arson – Documentary photo

The 66-year-old arrested by the DAEE (Department for the Prevention of Arson Crimes), is accused of arson with intent in the 4 dangerous fires faced by the fire brigade in Vari on June 8 and 9

A photo-document of the 66-year-old university professor, who was arrested as an arsonist for the four fires on June 8 and 9, in Vari, Attica, has been published.

This is footage from cameras close to the spot that recorded him being nearby on all 4 occasions, while on 2 occasions the man appears to be setting the fires as well. This material reached the hands of the prosecutor, at which point it was decided to issue the arrest warrant against the 66-year-old.

The alleged perpetrator lives in the area where the fire broke out with his family, while information suggests that he had complained to the Municipality about plots that had not been cleaned.

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