This happens if you have the Benito Juárez scholarship and you change schools in Mexico City

By 2023, the Benito Juárez Scholarship has benefited more than 12 million students at all educational levels. Infobae Archive.

The Government of Mexico implemented the Benito Juárez Scholarship for Basic Education with the aim of providing recurring financial support to families who care for minors enrolled in early childhood, preschool, primary or secondary education, all under 18 years of age.

This government program is specifically designed not only to alleviate school needs but also to prevent school dropouts, a significant problem affecting many young people in the country.

To register for the Benito Juárez Scholarship, families must follow several steps. The first step is to access the official Benito Juárez Scholarship website. This link leads to a registration form where personal information must be filled out.

Generally, the time required to process an application for the Benito Juárez Scholarship is around 30 business days. / News sounds

In addition, it is mandatory to attach certain documents, such as proof of income and official identification. Once the application has been submitted, it is necessary to wait for a confirmation from the program.

Generally, the time required to process an application for the Benito Juárez Scholarship is around 30 business days. However, this period may vary depending on demand and other external factors. Therefore, it is recommended that applicants stay tuned for program updates and notifications to stay informed about the status of their application.

For beneficiaries who are already enrolled in the program, it is possible to check the status of the scholarship by entering the Mi Beca Benito Juárez system using the CURP. Upon entering, detailed information about the scholarship can be obtained and any questions that may arise during the process can also be resolved.

Preventing school dropouts through this subsidy is essential, since having a complete education opens many doors and offers better future opportunities for young people.

If you change schools, you can continue enjoying the benefits of the Benito Juárez Scholarship, as long as you continue to meet certain requirements.

The first thing you must do is inform the National Coordination of Benito Juárez Scholarships for Welfare about your change of school, either through its website or by going to one of its offices. Afterwards, you must wait for a new beneficiary school to be assigned to you, which may take a few days.

It is important that you meet the requirements requested by the Coordination to maintain your scholarship, such as maintaining good academic performance, attending classes regularly and fulfilling the activities and commitments assigned to you.

If you change schools, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of the Benito Juárez Scholarship, as long as you continue to meet certain requirements. Photo: @SenlOficial

If you drop out of the school you were awarded the scholarship for and decide to enroll in another school, you may lose the benefit, as scholarships are typically designed to support students in a specific program of study at a particular school.

It is essential that you review the terms and conditions of the scholarship to understand what happens if you drop out of your studies. If you have any doubts, you can contact the scholarship department at your school to explain the possible consequences.

The Social Welfare Program for Girls and Boys, My Scholarship to Start, has introduced a detailed process for the registration of beneficiaries, especially focused on those students who are new entrants or have changed their educational level.

Starting with this, the first step for parents and guardians is to enter the new beneficiary information into the registration platform. However, an obstacle may arise if the system displays a red box with the message:

“It is not possible to register the beneficiary who has been admitted because he or she has not been located in an educational institution. If your beneficiary is a new student, has changed level or has changed from a private to a public school, please try to register him or her 5 business days after his or her enrollment.”

This message indicates that you must wait a few days for the minor’s registration information to be updated in the system before attempting to register again.

It is crucial to understand that this program has no direct control over the validation of school information. Therefore, if the information of the minor enrolled in a public elementary school is not validated, parents must go to the educational institution where they enrolled to verify and ensure that the information has been correctly updated in the AEFCDMX system.

If the information of a minor enrolled in a public elementary school is not validated, parents must go to the educational institution where they registered to verify. / Infobae Archive

If after the recommended corrections and waiting time, the system still prevents registration by displaying the red box, it is recommended to continue trying to register until validation is successful. On the other hand, if a blue box appears with the message:

“The beneficiary is enrolled in a public school and may proceed with registration on this site” is a sign that the registration information has been successfully validated.

  • First step: Enter the beneficiary information in the registration platform.
  • Explanation of the error message and recommendation to wait 5 business days.
  • Importance of validating school information and program control over it.
  • Steps to follow if there are validation problems: Verification with the educational institution.
  • Final procedure to complete registration: Acceptance of terms and conditions.

In this case, parents or guardians must accept the terms and conditions and proceed to send the information to complete the registration.



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