TOP 8 poetry books for children | Culture

For children who can already read, poems and rhymed songs help develop language, memory, creativity, imagination and writing skills. The internet bookshop vaš invites you to familiarize yourself with the most read poetry for children – immortal poetry classics and the latest poetry books, which will be fun and useful for both children and their parents to read.

Paulius Norvila “Crazy Poems”

Lithuanian poet and poetry contest laureate Paulius Norvila believes that when you are so sad that you want to lie down on a cloud and talk to the fish or you are so happy that you want to climb a tree and bloom with the most beautiful flowers, poems can help in both cases. And it’s even better if those poems are crazy. Some will help you get rid of your sadness, others will cheer you up, others will gently hold your hand.

“Crazy Poems” is a very playful collection of poems for children that invites you to sing along happily and be pleasantly surprised more than once. The poetry book looks at everyday adventures and experiences in a fun, warm and light way. The fun crazy poems are intended for preschool and younger school age readers, but will also delight their parents and teachers. The book is decorated with bright and stylish illustrations by the Lithuanian artist Salvija Vaičikonytė.


crazy poems

Paul Norvila

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Liuda Petkevičiūtė “I had a rooster”

In the rapidly developing world of innovations, it is important to pay attention and introduce children to Lithuanian roots. Lithuanian folk songs and poems of great beauty, passed down from generation to generation, allow the historical memory to live on for many more centuries.

“I had a rooster” is a repetitive Lithuanian folk song. By singing it, children learn and remember the names of many animals, learn to create adjectives for them, develop hearing, speech, vocabulary, memory, eloquence, pronunciation, voice, breathing, intelligence – lessons that are extremely important for a growing baby.


i had a cock

Liuda Petkevičiūtė

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Volodymyr Vakulenko-K. “Dad’s Book”

Ukrainian poet and writer of children’s books Volodymyr Vakulenko-K. spreads human warmth, love, joy of life and light with his poems. With the help of translators Daiva Čepauskaite and Vytas Dekšnias, Lithuanian readers can experience the magic of his poems from now on.

“Daddy’s Book” is a series of playful poems written by the poet for his son. Funny verses tell funny stories about the mole who wanted to make gira, but added too many leaves and it turned out to be soup, about the teapot who got a runny nose and couldn’t pour tea through his stuffy nose, about the elephant who looked after the flowers perfectly because he had a watering can nose, about a boy riding to kindergarten on his father’s neck, about spiders who caught laughter in their webs and sold it to other animals. The world of the author’s poetry is full of humor, optimism and light, and although not every dad can write poems, everyone can read them to their children.


dad’s book

Volodymyr Vakulenko-K

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Kazys Binkis “Rabbit Rebellion”

A poetry classic that many generations of children have grown up with is the humorous verse tale “The Hare Rebellion” written by Kazios Binkis. For the first time, the fun fairy tale was presented to children and their parents almost 90 years ago, and the edition of this verse tale was decorated with colorful illustrations by the artist Edita Žumbakytė.

Kazys Binkis composed witty and intriguing poems for children, telling the story of brave hares and their fight with hunters. “Long-eared Gray”, “Shooter and Hounds”, “Hare’s Life”, “Gravel – Warrior” – the didactic poems in the book have their own titles and teach children about important values ​​and show that courage and determination can overcome all kinds of adversity. In addition, the famous Lithuanian poet teaches children to protect nature and love all living beings to this day.


hare uprising,

Kazys Binkis

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Valdas Aušra “What sheep fly?”

Poet and priest Valdas Aušra lives and works in Chicago, but he loves and nurtures the Lithuanian language and strives to ensure that it is not forgotten by families living outside Lithuania. The booklet “What sheep fly?” will help revive the souls of not only children, but also parents and grandparents in Lithuania and English-speaking foreign countries, where families want to preserve the Lithuanian language. This book of poems will also be useful for those who are learning English, a useful practice when reading or listening to the poems in this book. The book tells funny life stories of friends – birds and animals, decorated with drawings by artist Rūta Ona Čigriejūtė.


What sheep fly

Valdas Aušra

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Justinas Marcinkevičius “The Spider’s Wedding”

Another classic of children’s poetry – from 1980. living, expertly written verse poem “Voro vestuvės” by Justinas Marcinkevičius, an icon of Lithuanian literature, one of the country’s most significant poets. A fun and instructive poem invites children to laugh at greed and stupidity together, teaches them to see human flaws, appreciate kindness and share the world’s goods with everyone.

The play tells children about the beetles’ plan to steal the sun. They persuaded their spider lord to guide the sun so that it would shine only for them. The spider knows how to weave the finest webs, but will they be able to catch the bride – the sun queen of the sky?


spider wedding,

Justin Marcinkevičius

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Audronė Kvietkutė “Wheels of the Morning”

The book “Rytės ratai” is intended for the smallest ones – sensitively and playfully invites children aged 2-5 years to be curious, explore, enjoy and grow.

How uniquely interesting wheels are! Some roll on the ground, others spin in the sky, and others live in the kitchens of hurried grandmothers or force parents to do serious mathematical calculations. Little Morning wants to know more about them all!

The easy-to-recognize everyday situations described in the booklet will make it easier to empathize with the story and identify with the characters, encourage the discussion of important, sensitive topics, encourage reasoning on complex issues from an early age, raise empathic children, develop their social skills and emotional intelligence. The author Audronė Kvietkutė put the impressions of the morning into the book, and it was illustrated with colorful pictures by the Italian Alice Celia.


morning wheels,

Audronė Kvietkutė

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Rachel Piercey “If you go deep into the woods…”

Poetry can take you to the farthest corners of the world, hear sounds, see colors, taste and smell. English poet Rachel Piercey invites young readers to go into the forest together and get to know the everyday wonders of nature in the book “If you go deep into the forest…”.

Together with the bear, children will travel through different seasons, meet many friends, explore interesting places and make various discoveries along the way. This is a magical book of poetry for little ones, which will open a sweet, bright, lively and interesting world of the forest, where various animals have a lot of fun and invite you to go on adventures together. The tones of the book illustrator Freya Hart’s drawings are calm, pastel, earthy colors, so they encourage children to calm down and immerse themselves in the world of the book, to look for and discover many details and the book’s characters. So that children do not get lost in the abundance of the world of illustrations, there is a list of things to find on each page.

#TOP #poetry #books #children #Culture
2024-08-07 20:01:26



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