Hurtado: Ideas of the Liberator still bother hegemonic interests

The thoughts of the Liberator are extremely uncomfortable for those who insist from the American empire to seize the riches of the region and are guided by ambitions that were visualized by the father of the country.

This was stated by the doctor and professor in History, Omar Hurtado, during his intervention as Order speaker in the Solemn session of the National Assembly, on the occasion of the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Battle of Junín.

He pointed out that one of the Liberator’s most valid ideas is the cry for unity. “Their thinking is extremely uncomfortable for the global and local powers that insist on maintaining their hegemony and ignore that the world has changed and is mutating towards a space that is more respectful of national sovereignty, and even for the great majorities that for centuries have been spurred on and excluded from the benefit mechanisms of free will,” he emphasized.

For this reason, he pointed out that Bolívar continues to be attacked and in that sense, he said that an alliance called “In Defense of Bolívar” was formed with the Ministry of Popular Power for Defense and other State institutions, since “Bolívar is a people and “The people defend their Liberator.”

He specified that the ideas of the Father of the Nation become more valid every day in the Venezuelan revolutionary process.

He added that Latin America’s relations with empires throughout history have not been easy. Some empires considered countries as their property and others as their backyard.

Hurtado specified that many politicians in the Venezuelan case responded for years to their personal interests and gave in to the “Manichean flattery” of the powers.

For this reason, he recalled that the United States has multiplied its surface area almost 10 times, while the Republic of Gran Colombia dreamed of by the Liberator barely survived and gave rise to 3 Republics.

He indicated that Venezuela has decreased its original territory by more than a third, highlighting the current dispute over Guayana Esequiba.

All of this has led to Venezuela being identified as an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to the security of the United States, he said.

He recalled the imposition of unilateral coercive measures that fundamentally block the Venezuelan people, a fact that has been confessed by a senior spokesperson for the US government.

The historian recalled that the most recent administrations of the United States have sought to tighten the siege towards Venezuela and “both President Hugo Chávez at the time, and President Nicolás Maduro, have known how to handle themselves in the field of international relations; “We are currently in a relationship of mutual respect, understanding and recognition of countries such as China, Russia, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Cuba and we find ourselves at the gates of the Brics, the new way of understanding relations.”

In that sense, he reported that with the assistance of friendly countries, part of the hydrocarbon industry has been recovered and food production has been developed, along with economic recovery.

Politicians who serve foreign interests

He indicated that there have been politicians who, despite being born “in this generous land, have come out to play the saddest role of asking for sanctions from other countries.”

He indicated that “in this framework, the elections were held on July 28, in which the Venezuelan people reacted with dignity and with a ratio of more than 6 million votes, (…) which sovereignly decided the re-election of President Nicolás Maduro.”

However, the international and national extreme right refuses to accept the results.

“It has become clear, after the latest events, that the extreme right never had a true electoral plan, to the point that a survey showed that those who voted for them knew neither program nor proposal. We are verifying that their only purpose is to generate violence, of which they have shown enough signs, provoking confrontation between fellow citizens to justify an invasion by the Southern Command that they have demanded so many times.”

However, he pointed out that the majority of the people have reacted with courtesy, avoiding provocations.

For this reason, he reiterated that the American rulers insist on ignoring sovereign institutions, returning to the old measures that have already been experienced.

“Today, as 200 years ago, we will resort to Bolivarian thought and say together with the father of the country (…) a handful of free men have frequently been seen defeating powerful empires,” the speaker emphasized.

#Hurtado #Ideas #Liberator #bother #hegemonic #interests
2024-08-07 17:27:00



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