TSJ summons the 10 former candidates for review of the election results

Caracas, Aug 6 (EFE).- The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela on Tuesday summoned the 10 former presidential candidates who competed in the elections on July 28, to advance the process carried out by the court to “certify” the official result of the elections, which gave victory to Nicolás Maduro, which has been questioned inside and outside the country.

The president of the TSJ, the Chavista Caryslia Rodríguez, assured that the former candidates have already been “duly and formally summoned,” a matter that they must attend to in person, and confirmed that Failure to appear “will entail the consequences provided for in the legal system”without specifying which ones.

According to the agenda set by the Supreme Court’s Electoral Chamber, this Wednesday Edmundo González Urrutia, the standard-bearer of the main anti-Chavez coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), which claims to have won the elections by a wide margin and to have published “83.5%” of the voting records to support this claim, is expected to attend.

Later in the same day, deputies José Brito and Luis Eduardo Martínez are summoned. They competed in the elections with the support of judicialized formations, whose traditional leaders supported González Urrutia and accuse these former candidates of being collaborators of Chavismo.

Likewise, on Thursday the former candidates Daniel Ceballos, Javier Bertucci, Claudio Fermín and Antonio Ecarri are expected to appear, while on Friday Enrique Márquez – the only one close to the PUD -, Benjamín Rausseo and Maduro, who will be the last to attend these meetings, will do the same, regarding which the dynamics in which they will be carried out are unknown.

The TSJ also summoned representatives of the 38 political parties that supported the 10 competitors, all for the “consignment of electoral instruments” related to the process of July 28, whose voting records have not yet been published by the National Electoral Council (CNE), which violates established legal regulations.

According to the state-run channel Venezolana de Televisión, the president of the CNE, the Chavista Elvis Amoroso, delivered the presidential election count records to the TSJ on Monday, without having published them yet, as well as the minutes of the award and proclamation of Maduro as re-elected president.

The head of the TSJ indicated that the highest court will begin the “process of appraisal of the submitted material” within a period of up to 15 days, which can be extended for a period that was not specified, while requests increase, inside and outside the country, for the CNE to publish the minutes to clear up doubts about the announced election result.


#TSJ #summons #candidates #review #election #results
2024-08-07 16:54:56



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