Baptiste Addis in archery, the other young French prodigy – Libération


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Aged 17, the youngest of the French archers already won silver on Monday August 29 in the team and will compete in the eighth finals individually on Sunday. Meeting with a hopeful who is already well established in his discipline.

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On the Esplanade des Invalides, Monday, July 29, we witnessed a strange scene, the kind you only see in movies or manga: for a few seconds, the 8,000 spectators suddenly held their breath, their eyes fixed on a 17-year-old kid. Baptiste Addis is a rising star in a confidential sport that is usually played in front of only family and friends as spectators. Under the blazing sun, with a turquoise bandana tied in his hair and long sleeves à la Beckham, he held a silver arrow in his bow.

Chronicle “Postscript”

Driven by the carefree nature of his youth, the Nîmes native made himself known to the public by casually hitting 10s during the team event, where he reached the final with his teammates Jean-Charles Valladont, twice his age (35 years old), and Thomas Chirault (26 years old), silver medalists against the South Koreans on Monday. “We are more stressed in the stands behind him than he is when he is getting ready to shoot,” laughs his father, Jean-Christophe Addis.

Parallel with Félix Lebrun

In front of journalists, he doesn’t stutter any more than on the firing line and has fun.



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