Vienna Medical Association on colon cancer screening program: Mr. City Council, stop the corporatization of the Vienna health system!

Vienna Medical Association on colon cancer screening program: Mr. City Council, stop the corporatization of the Vienna health system!

2024-08-07 14:19:17

Vienna(OTS) –

In an oral judgment today, the Vienna Administrative Court admitted that there were some illegalities in the selection and suitability criteria of the participation documents in the tender for “colorectal cancer screening”. Certain paragraphs of participating documents must be deleted and not replaced. The Vienna Medical Association considered the ruling a stage victory. Professional representatives remain convinced that the City of Vienna could use the tender to create an inefficient and cost-intensive system parallel to the General Social Security Act (ASVG). Today’s decision is based on a doctor’s request for review, which was submitted with the support of the Vienna Medical Association:

“By handing colorectal cancer screening throughout Vienna to general contractors, bypassing the private medical industry and social security, the door could be opened for international companies to enter our health system. The Vienna Medical Association has been vocal in its opposition to companies in the healthcare sector , this is currently the case with VAMED. The city of Vienna is also trying to establish a system under the ASVG in parallel with the existing supply. “I call on the city council to use its good judgment and finally stop these experiments,” he said. Johannes SteinhardtPresident of the Austrian and Vienna Medical Associations.

The Medical Association of Vienna is very surprised that, on the one hand, the unions and the SPÖ are rightly opposing corporatization, while Vienna is the only federal state that has a monopoly on colorectal cancer screening as a general contractor. “Mr. City Council, withdraw this tender and support the Vienna Medical Association and Social Security in implementing a colon cancer screening program in Vienna,” Steinhardt appealed.

In-depth negotiations with social insurance companies on key pension benefits

The issue of colon cancer prevention is of paramount importance to the Vienna Medical Association. In order to be able to provide Viennese people with this important pension benefit in a timely manner, the professional associations have been negotiating with the social insurance providers for some time and are therefore taking the usual route to pension benefits. Discussion of this is constructive. The schedule is tight in order to be able to offer this important preventive service to patients in Vienna from autumn onwards.

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