What are the benefits of pears?

What are the benefits of pears?

2024-08-07 12:49:59

Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, pears are rich in nutritional value and are attractive year-round. In autumn and winter, the conference pear is juicy and delicious, brightening our meals from September to April, while the Comice, with its generous shape and mild flavor, delights us in the colder months.

Summer is the season of Williams, which just begins in July, while the pulp of Guyot melts and we are delighted until the end of August. A palette of flavors and textures for every season, bringing maximum pleasure to the taste buds.

Pears are rich in fiber

Pears contain 2.47 grams of fiber per 100 grams, a valuable ally for the proper functioning of intestinal transit. Regular consumption of this fruit helps in relieving constipation by speeding up the elimination of waste products.

Pear skin is rich in fiber and is particularly effective at stimulating transport, so favor pears to maximize their benefits. However, people with sensitive stomachs should be careful not to overdo it, as excessive consumption can cause digestive discomfort.

Fruits that promote hydration

Like watermelons and melons, pears have a water content of up to 85%. This juicy fruit plays a vital role in hydrating the body, thereby helping to maintain the body’s water balance.

In addition to moisture, pears are a real storehouse of minerals and trace elements that are harmoniously dissolved in their delicate pulp, enriching the health benefits of pears.

Fruits suitable for weight loss

Pears are rich in water and fiber while maintaining moderate calories, making them ideal for those trying to lose weight. This fruit is perfect for satisfying small appetites and sweet tooth cravings, providing a feeling of fullness without adding calories. Due to its low caloric intake, it satisfies appetite while remaining light.

Good for bones and heart

Containing 11 mg of calcium per 100 g, it is a valuable ally in strengthening bones. This mineral promotes bone growth in young people and helps maintain healthy bone stores. This fruit also contains boron, which supports this effect by promoting calcium retention in bones.

Additionally, pears help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease due to their antioxidant properties. A study published on the website Science Daily A 2011 study showed that pear eaters had a 52% lower risk of stroke.

A pear a day keeps the doctor away

When fatigue sets in and morale is low, the solution can be found in a simple fruit: pears. It is rich in vitamin C, containing 6 mg per 100 g, a true ally for rejuvenating and strengthening the immune system. Regular consumption of this fruit is a truly natural booster to overcome energy decline and rejuvenate the body.

Pears, beautiful allies

Glowing skin and a toned figure are largely due to vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production and is also found in high amounts in pears. But the latter doesn’t stop there: it’s also rich in vitamin B9 and polyphenols. These powerful antioxidants fight free radicals caused by pollution and stress, which are responsible for cellular aging. As for vitamin B9, it stimulates cell renewal.

Good reaction to including pears on the menu

To enjoy the best qualities of pears, choose fruits with strong aroma, smooth skin, and no blemishes. To prevent the cuts from browning, just sprinkle with a little lemon juice.

Pears are delicious in many ways: raw, they bring freshness and crunch to salads, and when poached or pan-fried, they make a great accompaniment to white meats and duck.

On the pastry side, it dazzles in classic pastries like pear tart or Poire Belle-Hélène, which adds sweet syrup, vanilla ice cream, melted chocolate and flaked almonds.

Pears can also be made into fine jam, added to nuts, or mixed with apples to create delicious preserves. Just as apples are transformed into cider, pears are transformed into perry, a drink worthy of (re)discovery.

Some precautions when eating

For people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, pears should be consumed in moderation. While this fruit is packed with benefits, it contains sorbitol and fructose, which can cause bloating and diarrhea if abused. Therefore, it is wise to limit yourself to one to two pears per day.

Additionally, people who are sensitive to pollen may experience tingling or burning in their mouths when eating raw pears, but these symptoms will disappear with cooking. Finally, remember that an allergy to pears can often coexist with an allergy to apples, since they belong to the same plant family. If you have any questions, please contact a health care professional.

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