First defeat of the season. Legia Warsaw – Piast Gliwice 1:2

First defeat of the season. Legia Warsaw – Piast Gliwice 1:2

Legia Warsaw lost 1:2 to Piast Gliwice in the 3rd round match of PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa. The goal for Wojskowych was scored by Blaz Kramer at the end of the first half.

The Legionnaires did not start this match well. In the 5th minute, Steve Kapuadi did very well, blocking Damian Kądzior’s shot from a few meters. A moment later, Kacper Tobiasz touched the ball after a dangerous cross from deep in the field. In the 15th minute, the Military responded – Ruben Vinagre passed from a corner kick, but Kapuadi’s shot was off target. Five minutes later, the guests took the lead. After a throw-in into the penalty area, Michał Chrapek broke free from Paweł Wszołek’s marking and surprised Kacper Tobiasz. The Legionnaires could respond instantly. Gual crossed flat to Piast’s sixteenth, and Kramer attacked the ball with a slide. Frantisek Plach did well, parrying the shot onto the crossbar. In the added time of the first half, the Military equalized. Bartosz Kapustka crossed from the corner kick and Blaz Kramer headed the ball into the net.

After the break, the legionnaires did not create too many situations, the guests were more dangerous. In the 59th minute, Ameyaw hit the side netting. In the 65th minute, Maciej Rosołek, returning to the stadium at Łazienkowska, was forestalled by Kacper Tobiasz. Ten minutes before the end of regular time, Ameyaw made a dangerous shot, but the ball hit Jan Ziółkowski and left the pitch. In the 85th minute, Piast Gliwice players took the lead. Once again, after a throw-in, after some confusion in the penalty area, Kostadinov headed the ball into the net. The legionnaires ran out of time. Pankov shot from a free kick again, but hit the wall, and a moment later Tomas Pekhart failed to close the cross effectively.

Legia Warsaw – Piast Gliwice 1:2 (1:1)

Bramki: Kramer (45′) – Chrapek (20′), Kostadinov (85′)

Legia Warsaw: Tobiasz – Pankov, Ziółkowski, Kapuadi – Wszołek, Kapustka (Alfarela 54′), Goncalves (Celhaka 63′), Luquinhas, Vinagre (Morishita 63′) – Gual, Kramer (Nsame 54′)

Substitutes: Kobylak, Pekhart, Augustyniak, Celhaka, Kun, Morishita, Alfarela, Barcia, Nsame

Piast Gliwice: Plach – Pyrka, Mosór, Czerwiński, Huk (Kostadinov 79′) – Ameyaw, Dziczek, Tomasiewicz, Chrapek (Szczepanski 74′) – Kądzior (Drapinski 63′), Piasecki (Rosolek 63′)

Substitutes: Szymanski, Munoz, Karbowy, Mokwa, Mucha, Drapinski, Szczepanski, Rosołek, Kostadinov

Yellow cards: Kramer (25′), Gual (90′ +6) – Ameyaw (37′), Chrapek (40′), Kostadinov (90′), Rosołek (90′ +5)



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