Patras: Night tour of the Roman Stadium under the light of the August full moon but in… English – 2024-08-07 13:25:01

The Ministry of Culture will once again organize the August Full Moon events this year, under the coordination of the General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, offering free entry to selected archaeological sites, monuments, historical sites and museums, on the night of the Full Moon, on Monday 19 August.

More than a hundred archaeological sites, historical sites, museums and monuments, across the country, will welcome the public under the moonlight. Events will take place at over fifty archaeological sites and museums, while as many will remain open to the public with free admission.

This year’s event will be framed by events that will take place from August 9 to 25, according to the posted program, which includes musical performances, stargazing, storytelling and guided tours, organized by the Services of the General Directorate of Antiquities and Culture of Heritage and the General Directorate of Restoration, Museums and Technical Projects, many of which in collaboration with the local government and local associations.

As far as Patras is concerned, the Ministry of Culture has prepared a special event, as the Roman Stadium will be opened for a Night tour of the monument as well as a presentation of the recent works of research, restoration and highlighting of the monument. Of course, there is a “trap” here as the tour will be in English as it is aimed mainly at groups of foreign visitors. As noted, it will be adjusted accordingly if there is interest from Greeks.

The events in Western Greece

The program of events in Western Greece is as follows:

August 18

Archaeological Museum of Elis: “Musical event with the Mixed Choir of Myrtoundion in collaboration with the Region of Western Greece and the Municipality of Ilida. Start Time: 21.30. The Museum of Elis will be open to the public from 20.00 to 24.00” Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia

August 19

Roman Stadium of Patras: “Night tour (in English) by an archaeologist of the Ephoria to the monument, and presentation of the recent works of research, restoration and highlighting of the monument. (The event is mainly aimed at groups of foreign visitors. It will be adapted accordingly, if there is also interest from Greeks.)” Ephorate of Antiquities of Achaia

Archaeological Museum of Patras: “Museum-Parta-Monument” Cultural Tours: Thematic tours of the permanent collections from 21:00-22:00 and 22:00-23:00. The permanent exhibition of the museum will remain open to the public, with free entry, from 20.00 to 24.00.

Chlemoutsi Castle: “Music show ‘On the big screen’ with the band ‘The Colors of Ilida’ in collaboration with the Municipality of Andravidas – Kyllini. Start Time: 21.30. The archaeological site of the Castle will be open to the public from 20.00 to 24.00” Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia

Archaeological Museum of Olympia: Screening of a film entitled “Elektra” by Michalis Kakogiannis, in collaboration with the Olympia International Film Festival for children and young people.

Archaeological Site of Olympia: The Space will remain open to the public, with free entry, without organizing an event, from 20.00 – 24.00.

Temple of Epicurius Apollo: Musical event entitled -Sounds of Places- in the surrounding area of ​​the Temple of Epicurius Apollo.

Ancient Pleurona: Music Event. With Ir. Saya. Start Time: 21:00 Ephorate of Antiquities of Etoloakarnania and Lefkada

Archaeological Museum of Thermo: Music Event. Start Time: 21:00

Nafpaktos Castle: The Space will remain open to the public, with free entry, without organizing an event, from 20.00 – 24.00.

Vonitsa Castle: The Space will remain open to the public, with free entry, without organizing an event, from 20.00 – 24.00.

Castle of Agia Mavra: The Space will remain open to the public, with free entry, without organizing an event, from 20.00 – 24.00.

#Patras #Night #tour #Roman #Stadium #light #August #full #moon #in.. #English



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