DYPA: 1,028,123 registered unemployed in November 2023 – 2024-08-07 13:21:01

The total number of registered unemployed in the DYPA register for November 2023 amounted to 1,028,123 people, registering a decrease of 33,296 people (-3.1%), compared to November 2022 and an increase of 127,826 people (14.2 %), compared to the previous month of October 2023.

Of the total number of registered unemployed, 500,602 (percentage of 48.7%) people are in the DYPA register for a period equal to or more than 12 months and 527,521 (percentage of 51.3%) are registered for a period of less than 12 months.

Men amount to 368,425 people (rate of 35.8%) and women amount to 659,698 people (rate of 64.2%).

The 30-44 age group gathers the largest number of registrants among the age groups, amounting to 333,438 people (32.4%).

The Secondary Education level gathers the largest number of registered among the educational levels which amounts to 490,948 people (47.8%).

Among the regions of the country, the Region of Attica and the Region of Central Macedonia record the largest number of registered people, which amounts to 315,607 people (percentage of 30.7%) and 191,644 people (percentage of 18.6%) respectively.

The total number of subsidized unemployed people, for the month of November 2023, (refers to the number of beneficiaries paid within the corresponding month) amounts to 147,754 people, of which 104,102 (percentage 70.5%) are general unemployed and other categories of subsidized unemployed and 43,652 (29.5%) are seasonal tourist occupations. Men amount to 60,331 (percentage of 40.8%) and women to 87,423 (percentage of 59.2%).

According to newsit, of the total number of subsidized unemployed 94,988 (percentage 64.3%) are common, 1,464 (percentage 1.0%) are builders, 43,652 (percentage 29.5%) are seasonal tourist occupations, 4,401 (percentage 3 .0%) are seasonal other (agricultural), 3,122 (2.1% rate) are educational and 127 (0.1% rate) are other.

The number of subsidized persons for the month of November 2023 recorded an increase of 641 people (0.4%) compared to the corresponding month of the previous year November 2022 and an increase of 29,257 people (24.7%) compared to the previous month of October 2023 .

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#DYPA #registered #unemployed #November



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