For those who have not had electricity for a long time, they promise additional compensation: they will cover the losses | Business

Some electricity consumers suffered losses as a result, so the Lithuanian operator made a decision to compensate over 72 hours. residents who did not have electricity and direct losses, although this is not provided for by the current compensation regulation.

“During these difficult days for everyone, residents experienced not only inconveniences, but also losses. Realizing this, we have made a decision to compensate for the direct losses incurred. And now I am not talking about element compensations, which are paid by the decision of the State Energy Regulatory Council (VERT), but about an additional compensation mechanism. We will prepare it within 10 working days. The compensations will be paid from the profit, so it will not affect the tariff and the modernization of the network”, says Renaldas Radvila, head of ESO.

According to him, the form for receiving compensation will be simple, and the compensation mechanism will be easy to understand. The head of ESO emphasized that the company’s goal is to pay compensations as soon as possible, and ESO has no intention of suing consumers. The compensation procedure will include compensation for direct losses.

“I invite the residents, if possible, to record the losses incurred due to the power failure. This way, compensation will be smoother. I emphasize that we will also compensate those who do not have all the necessary documents or photos. Our goal is to compensate customers’ losses as simply and quickly as possible”, emphasizes R. Radvila.

The company reminds that the currently valid legal acts provide that the State Energy Regulatory Council (VERT) must make a decision on the fact and territory of the accident. Then compensation is paid to those consumers whose electricity supply is interrupted for more than 72 hours. The amount of compensation is calculated individually, as provided by law.

There are cases when customers receive SMS messages about the eliminated fault, but the electricity supply has not yet been restored. This happens because more than one fault is found on the same or different voltage line during the troubleshooting of electrical networks. Then we ask customers to register the malfunction by short tel. 1852 or, and our electricians look for and remove the fault in the low-voltage (0.4 kV) lines closer to the object. This does not shorten the period from which the compensation for power failure is calculated.

The company calculates that if the average consumer in Lithuania, whose consumption is about 150 kWh/month, the electricity supply has not been renewed within 72 hours, he is entitled to a fixed compensation component of almost EUR 35 and a component of EUR 0.82 for each hour of delay due to non-supplied electricity quantity.

Currently, ESO is preparing the compensation procedure, it will be prepared within 10 working days.

#electricity #long #time #promise #additional #compensation #cover #losses #Business
2024-08-07 10:59:05



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