Blood Sugar: Discover the Best Foods to Eat When You Have Diabetes

2024-08-06 09:15:54

In France, More than 4.3 million people Reportedly undergoing treatment for diabetes health insurance numbers. Globally, 537 million adults (20-79 years old) are affected.

Diabetes, what exactly is the problem?

In the human body, insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels. If the amount of insulin in the blood is insufficient or ineffective, sugar can build up in the blood and blood sugar will rise excessively: this is calledhigh blood sugar. If left untreated, hyperglycemia remains at too high a level, leading to diabetes. There are two main types of diabetes:

this type 1 diabetes, due to the pancreas not secreting enough insulin; less common, but most common in children, teenagers, and young adults. this type 2 diabetes, due to the body’s cells using insulin incorrectly. Its development was very slow and subtle, taking place over many years. 92% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.

For people with type 2 diabetes, eating a balanced diet is crucial because it helps prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes-related complications.

Diabetes: This vegetable helps regulate blood sugar

In fact, ensuring a balanced diet is crucial when you have diabetes. And, logically, some foods are more interesting than others. Vegetables are also particularly interesting if you have a preference for certain fruits when you have diabetes: cucumbers! In a recent study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition Scientists at the Department of Endocrinology, Takshashila Campus, India, are interested in the benefits of cucumber consumption on blood sugar levels. This study on mice showed that cucumbers were able to significantly reduce blood sugar levels in mice (up to -62%) without harmful effects on their kidney function. Its efficacy is comparable to that of the reference antidiabetic drug glibenclamide.

Researchers say the anti-diabetic properties of green vegetables are due to their ingredients. Due to the high fiber content:

Intestinal absorption of carbohydrates is slowed down, preventing blood sugar spikes.

These results should be treated with caution, as the researchers themselves insist that additional studies are needed, which will let us know to what extent these results apply to humans.

What are the health benefits of cucumber?

Only with 14,7 kcal Pour 100 g, Cucumber is undoubtedly a low-calorie food. The interest associated with the fiber content of green vegetables makes it particularly interesting as part of a weight loss diet and/or weight loss. But that’s not the only health benefit of cucumbers, far from it! It is also beneficial for:

Promotes the normal function of digestion and intestinal transit due to its fiber and water content; promotes drainage due to its water content; promotes hydration due to its high water content; the fact that it is composed of 96% water makes it a food containing Food with the highest amount of water – tied with salad, ahead only of zucchini -! Due to its interesting vitamin K content, it fights osteoporosis and contributes to good bone health, and due to its high potassium content (140 mg per 100 g) (and vitamin K), contributes to good health of the cardiovascular system. . ….

Whether you have diabetes or not, there are many good reasons to add more cucumbers to your menu!

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#Blood #Sugar #Discover #Foods #Eat #Diabetes



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