Am I honest and responsible with my actions? – 2024-08-07 04:17:59

There are people who get offended when someone does something to them and focus on defending themselves and blaming others for what happens, without even being honest with themselves about their actions or taking responsibility for what they did to provoke the altercation.

I will explain it with the experience between siblings when they are young, although I know that many times those same patterns are carried over into adult life.

The younger brother takes the older brother’s toy, when he realizes what happened, the older brother runs to his mother and blames the younger brother for the incident.

When the mother arrives to scold the younger brother, he tells her that his older brother had taken the toy first and that was why he went to get it back. Upon hearing this, the mother returns to the older brother and asks him what happened, to which he denies everything.

What is not perceived in this game is the cognitive distortion of action that leads to a lack of commitment to the truth and is linked to deception, lies and manipulation. What I have just stated is what causes a lack of respect for life. This is the dogma of fighting and war.

However, emotional well-being is achieved by being honest with myself, which involves recognizing and assuming responsibility for the way I act in order to change my personality.

A person who does not reflect on what he does and the results he obtains lacks emotional maturity and therefore cannot have well-being in his life since he will live separated from his inner self. For this reason, it is so difficult to return to the path of self-knowledge.

It was from this psychological game that Albert Ellis identified the beliefs about the demands of others and the demands of life or the world.

Being responsible for what I do is opening the door to personal understanding, to the mental movement that chains me to act in a certain way, to self-observation of thoughts and sensations that lead to reactions.

With honesty and responsibility comes personal freedom and freedom for others, which brings peace and tranquility to life. At the same time, it is possible to see the facts without distortion of thoughts or emotions, which will help in the process of conflict resolution, making sensible decisions and stopping blaming others for what happens.

If you want to learn techniques that help you be honest and responsible with yourself to have well-being and emotional health, write to WhatsApp 4293-5610.

“With honesty and responsibility comes personal freedom and the freedom of others.”

Andre Armas

*Neuroeducator, coach and emotional reengineering counselor

#honest #responsible #actions



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