What are the signs of dehydration?

2024-08-05 06:00:28

Dry skin, dizziness, fatigue, and little saliva in your mouth are signs that your body isn’t getting enough fluids. Reversing this condition will help prevent health complications.

latest update: August 5, 2024

Without water, body cells cannot function. Knowing the signs of dehydration will help you prevent serious problems. Especially during the hottest periods, such as summer.

Water is necessary for life. It accounts for 75% of a baby’s weight and 50% of an adult’s. It is involved in a variety of homeostatic functions, solubilizing and transporting nutrients and waste products, regulating body temperature, and promoting biochemical reactions.

A lack of fluids can affect your energy levels and mental state. Symptoms such as fatigue, headache, dizziness, and dark urine warn you that you need to drink more fluids.

11 Signs of Dehydration You Can’t Ignore

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it replenishes. Fluid deficiency can lead to acute and chronic illness. Among them:

Heat stroke.

Without clean water, humans can only survive for a few days.

Recognizing the first signs of dehydration allows you to take immediate action to avoid complications. Watch for these 11 signs to know if you are dehydrated.

1. Extreme thirst

Thirst is the most obvious symptom of lack of water in the body. When your brain recognizes that you need fluids, It lets you know by sending signals that encourage you to drink.

Therefore, if you feel thirsty, you will most likely need to increase your water intake. Regardless, it is more important to maintain a constant fluid intake until you experience this sensation. Because when an imbalance has been established, brain signals are activated.

If it’s a hot day or you’re doing strenuous exercise, drink water even if you don’t feel like it.

2. Dry mouth and tongue

Adequate hydration helps Maintain mucosal integrity. Just like the nose, eyes and mouth. on the contrary, When the body doesn’t have enough water, it tries to retain fluid in these mucous membranes. For example, salivation is reduced.

The following are oral symptoms of dehydration:

Bad breath, bad breath, and thin, thick, or mushy saliva.

3. Hypotension

Dehydration affects blood vessel function and blood pressure regulation. If there is less water in the body, Less circulating fluid In capillaries, veins, arteries and ventricles.

When blood volume decreases, the body attempts to compensate through different mechanisms. If these alternative pathways are insufficient, the situation can become dangerous, with severe hypotension and shock state.

Hypotension can be detected by measuring it with a sphygmomanometer. However, There are also indirect symptoms such as dizziness and lack of energy.

Low blood pressure is a sign of severe dehydration and can be dangerous.

4. Fatigue among dehydration symptoms

Feeling more tired than usual can be a sign of dehydration. Lack of fluid in the body Affects sleep and wake cycles.

Not being hydrated can increase sleepiness, fatigue, weakness, and the desire to sleep. Additionally, it can reduce overall strength and reduce alertness. That’s why there is confusion.

If you feel very tired or lack your usual energy on a hot day, you may need to increase your fluid intake.

5. Urine is dark in color and small in amount

Paying attention to the amount and color of your urine is a convenient way to tell if you are dehydrated. When you don’t drink enough fluids, urinating often becomes difficult. Lower frequency and darker color.

The normal color of urine is pale or light yellow. If you don’t drink enough water, your body will retain water to save money. That will concentrate waste Should be excreted via the kidneys.

The result is darker urine. Generally, the hue is brown. If dehydration is severe, disorders can also occur because suspended matter is not sufficiently diluted.

6. Dry skin

Loss of skin elasticity is a telltale sign of dehydration. indeed, doctors Frequent skin swelling or pinch tests Assess a person’s hydration level.

This test is very simple to perform. It involves gently pinching the back of the hand or the folds of the abdomen and releasing after 3 seconds. Then we observe how long it takes for the skin to return to its normal position:

Well-hydrated skin springs back to its original state immediately, if skin remains lifted and takes a while to return to its original plumpness, this may be a sign of dehydration.

Dry skin can also be a sign of many other health problems. This is also a common condition among older people. Here’s why it’s important to get the right medical diagnosis.

7. Headache

Headaches may be a sign of lack of fluids. Some people are more susceptible to dehydration-related migraines than others.

The exact reasons for this relationship are not entirely clear. The loss of fluid around the brain is thought to lead to some form of localized brain dehydration.

On the other hand, water is present in smaller amounts Can limit the nervous system’s ability to eliminate toxins. Finally, not enough fluid can also cause blood vessels in the brain to dilate, leading to migraines.

Water shortages must be considered Often making underlying medical problems worse. Headaches may be a reaction or symptom of other conditions that are imbalanced by dehydration.

Now, regardless of the source of your symptoms, increasing your water intake has been shown to Helps reduce migraines. Therefore, good hydration is one way to prevent migraines.

8. Dizziness and signs of dehydration

Dehydration can cause dizziness and confusion because a lack of water can affect blood pressure and brain function. Especially if you wake up quickly.

This condition is called orthostatic hypotension, which is a sudden drop in blood pressure when standing. This restricts blood flow to the brain.

One of the risks associated with this situation is Fainted due to fall. Among older adults, more than one-third of falls occur among dehydrated people.

9. Heart palpitations

Lack of fluids can have an impact on the heart. If you are dehydrated, the drop in blood pressure forces the heart muscle to beat faster to maintain blood circulation to all tissues.

In addition, water shortages may Affects heart and blood vessel function. People who engage in strenuous physical activity in hot climates are at higher risk. Although the heart beats more often, the total amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute is less.

An increase in heart rate can be felt in the form of palpitations. sometimesthese palpitations are irregular and may lead to an irregular heartbeat.

10. Lack of concentration and bad mood

Not only can dehydration cause headaches, it can also affect the brain. Concentration also decreases.

Some scientific studies suggest that a lack of fluids Impairs short-term memory. Likewise, concentration may be affected and mood may change.

11. Muscle cramps and signs of dehydration

Muscle cramps, especially during exercise, can be caused by excessive fluid loss. Lack of fluids and electrolytes does not ensure adequate muscle function And the fibers shrink. But can’t relax.

For athletes who suffer from cramps repeatedly, recurrences can cause serious harm. Over time, the size and mass of the affected muscles decrease.

What are the signs of dehydration in babies and children?

Young children are particularly susceptible to dehydration Caused by diarrhea, vomiting and fever. This is because they have a higher metabolic rate, lose more water daily, and are unable to express their needs or rehydrate.

Therefore, clinical manifestations They are more difficult to identify than adults. Signs and symptoms may vary or not be noticed until late, until dehydration worsens.

In children, some of the following signs may make you suspect dehydration:

Sunken eyes, dry tongue and lips, decreased tears when crying, increased heart rate (soft spot on baby’s head).

Dehydration in children can be dangerous if not treated early. It is important to consult a doctor promptly to obtain appropriate treatment.

How to prevent dehydration before symptoms appear?

There are many causes of dehydration. This may be a reduction in intake. But there are also increased losses such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, high fever or extensive burns. On the other hand, taking certain medications can increase the risk by promoting the excretion of fluid in the urine.

In these situations, all you need to do is act on the cause. However, during the summer, there are some additional tips you can follow:

Drink enough water, about 3.4 liters per day for men and 2.6 liters per day for women. Orange. Or if you work outside the home.

Take action before complications arise

Finally, dehydration can be caused by illness, medications, strenuous exercise, or insufficient fluid intake. Although mild cases will disappear with good home hydration, More serious cases are dangerous and should be treated by a health care professional.

Knowing if you are dehydrated allows you to take prompt action and avoid complications. Pay attention to the physical signs and consult your doctor immediately if you notice them in your home or on a loved one.

#signs #dehydration



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