They analyzed elements of the fascist attack against the country

Venezuelans have been victims, in recent days, of a state of systematic misinformation that has sought to generate a “political response” of taking to the streets, promoting chaos, along with criminal acts disguised as spontaneous protests, said the minister of science. and technology, Gabriel Jiménez.

Through a message published on her X account, the minister indicated that this issue was debated in the Forum What is happening in Venezuela? Psychological Operations in the country, where the different elements of the fascist attack against Venezuela were analyzed in depth, where an attempt was made to use the electoral scenario to destabilize the country.

“In recent days, the escalation of far-right groups attempted to carry out a coup d’état using different tools. One of them is psychological warfare and cyberattacks (very sophisticated), which sought to generate anxiety and desperation in the population with false information, threats, intimidation, where Technological Capitalism shows its power by wishing to dominate our people,” said the minister.

In this sense, he highlighted that the will of the people is sacred, which is why he advocated that ways be found to promote, from our culture, peace and harmony for the country.

#analyzed #elements #fascist #attack #country
2024-08-06 23:10:05



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