Breaking the sound barrier.. Israeli weapon causes panic in Beirut residents

News Arabia.

Hot Days

These air sorties take place amid rising fears that Lebanon could descend into a full-scale war, especially given the escalating Israeli threats of ‘hot days’ to come.

Retired security official Mufid Alwan told Sky News Arabia: ‘This training procedure is used by Israel as a form of intimidation, generating sounds similar to bomb explosions accompanied by a pressure wave that can shatter the glass in buildings and even cause inner ear injuries if the planes fly low enough.’

He further noted, ‘The sound barrier’s breach results in a circular cloud forming around the aircraft, produced by the violent friction between the fast-moving plane and the air molecules.’

He added, ‘A state of panic overtakes Lebanese residents when they hear any explosion or loud noise, to the extent that even fireworks during festivities can terrify them until they realize they are for celebration.’

Rabih Al-Mawla, a resident of the southern city of Nabatieh, told Sky News Arabia, ‘We are waiting for the breaking of the sound barrier to subside. Sometimes Israel breaks the sound barrier at low altitudes multiple times a day, inducing panic especially among children and the elderly.’

He continued, ‘It is undeniable that the psychological damage is severe, but the physical damage is also evident in many homes, with shattered windows and cracked walls.’

Faten shared with Sky News Arabia, ‘My child rushed away from the pool, and I thought that war had broken out because we were overwhelmed with panic and terror from the intensity of the sound that deafened our ears.’

Psychological Effects

Social researcher Professor Wadih Al-Amyouni mentioned to Sky News Arabia that ‘Israeli warplanes that break the sound barrier induce psychological and health effects on the Lebanese, including fear, anxiety, and heightened trauma, particularly among children and the elderly. This also leads to sleep disorders and can result in…depression, adversely affecting individuals’ nervous systems and overall health.’

Al-Amyouni added, ‘The enemy resorts to these tactics during warfare for various reasons, including instilling terror among citizens and sowing fear, consequently affecting the morale of both civilians and fighters and their willingness to confront threats.’

She concluded, ‘The Israelis believe these tactics provide a tactical advantage to confuse combatants and distract them from military operations.’

Military Opinion

The head of the Middle East Center for Studies and Public Relations, retired military expert and Brigadier General Hisham Jaber, told Sky News Arabia: ‘Breaking the sound barrier is not financially burdensome. It happens when a subsonic flight quickly accelerates its speed. This significant speed change creates an air disturbance akin to a loud explosion. If initiated at low altitudes, it can shatter building glass and cause structural damage.’

Jaber continued, ‘As for moral damage, it is substantial, creating terror among civilians and serving as a psychological warfare tactic, as was seen today (Tuesday) in Beirut with the low-flying fighter jets.’

International Law

Professor Paul Marcos, head of the Justicia Foundation in Beirut and dean of the International Business University in Strasbourg, told Sky News Arabia, ‘International law does not explicitly regulate the breaking of the sound barrier, but it addresses related aspects through various international treaties.’

Marcos added, ‘According to the Chicago Convention, states have exclusive sovereignty over their airspace, requiring permission for aircraft, especially supersonic ones, from other countries. The International Civil Aviation Organization establishes standards to mitigate noise, acoustic, and environmental damage, often imposing restrictions on supersonic flights over populated areas due to sonic booms.’

He concluded, ‘The safety standards established by the International Civil Aviation Organization ensure that supersonic aircraft meet safety performance requirements. Furthermore, in Israel’s case, entering Lebanese airspace constitutes a violation of sovereignty, regardless of whether damage results.’


The Psychological and Physical Impact of Sound Barrier Breaches in Lebanon

The sound barrier breach, which has recently occurred in Beirut an unprecedented number of times, has left residents in a state of panic. On Tuesday, many fled their workplaces before the end of their shifts, driven by fear of the chaos heralded by the acoustic explosions. This fear is typically rooted in the context of Israeli military activities, with warplanes conducting imitation airstrikes over Lebanese territory.

Understanding the Sound Barrier Breach

The breach of the sound barrier creates a sound similar to an air raid, yet without any actual ordinance being deployed. This phenomenon can cause residents to panic, buildings to shake, and glass to shatter, leading many to erroneously believe that an explosion has just occurred in their vicinity.

  • Speed of Sound: The speed of sound is approximately 340 meters per second.
  • Air Force Training: Breaking the sound barrier is often a tactic used by military forces as part of pilot training exercises aimed at preparing for high-speed engagements.

The Recent Surge in Activity

These sonic events have intensified amidst growing fears in Lebanon of an impending full-scale conflict, particularly following Israeli threats that suggest “hot days” lie ahead. Experts suggest that the Israeli military uses these sound breaches as a psychological tactic to instill fear among civilians.

Mufid Alwan, a retired security official, commented, “Israel’s training procedures serve as an intimidation tactic, simulating bombing sounds through a low-altitude sound barrier breach. These can shatter windows and cause hearing injuries.” He adds that sonic booms are often accompanied by a visible circular cloud, attributable to extreme air pressure changes as the aircraft exceeds the speed of sound.

The Community’s Reaction

A pervasive question among Lebanese residents now is: “Did you hear the sound barrier?” Breaks in the sound barrier are becoming a routine occurrence, causing alarm and distress—especially among children and the elderly. The impact of these sound breaches extends beyond immediate panic; it leads to a deterioration of mental health and the structural integrity of homes.

Rabih Al-Mawla from Nabatieh expressed the prevalent anxiety: “Israel sometimes breaks the sound barrier multiple times a day, creating a psychological state of alertness among the population.” Many reports indicate that windows have shattered and some walls have developed cracks due to the pressure from the sonic waves.

Psychological Effects of the Breaches

According to social researcher Professor Wadih Al-Amyouni, the psychological ramifications of Israel’s air maneuvers are significant. These include heightened levels of fear and anxiety, increased incidences of trauma among vulnerable groups like children and the elderly, and an escalation in sleep disorders and depressive symptoms.

Key Psychological Effects

  • Intensified fear responses to loud noises, including celebrations or fireworks.
  • Increased anxiety and heightened trauma among vulnerable populations.
  • Sleep disturbances linked to the stress of frequent sonic booms.

Al-Amyouni explains that these tactics are intended to demoralize citizens and military personnel alike, throwing them into a state of confusion and neglect of potential threats.

Military Perspective on Sonic Breaches

Military expert Brigadier General Hisham Jaber asserts that while breaking the sound barrier is not financially burdensome for military forces, its psychological impact is profound. He mentions the physical consequences; sonic booms can indeed lead to glass shattering in buildings, whereas the psychological effect remains formidable, instilling terror among citizens.

The Role of International Law

While international law does not explicitly ban the breaking of the sound barrier, it does regulate aspects related to aerial sovereignty and military conduct in peacetime versus wartime. Professor Paul Marcos emphasizes that nations have exclusive rights over their airspace and that violations can have legal implications.

According to him, the Chicago Convention asserts the sovereignty of states over their airspace, necessitating permission for foreign aircraft operations. The International Civil Aviation Organization has regulations to minimize noise disturbances, particularly around populated areas. He concludes that these aerial intrusions represent a violation of Lebanese sovereignty.

Potential Solutions and Coping Mechanisms

Community Awareness Initiatives

Given the frequent sonic disturbances, community awareness programs can empower residents to understand these phenomena better and steer clear of panic. Local workshops could educate families about recognizing authentic threats versus mere sonic breaches.

Mental Health Support

Access to mental health resources is critical. Offering culturally sensitive counseling services can help address trauma and fear, especially for children and the elderly affected by these disturbances. Online and offline therapy sessions can mitigate the effects of anxiety and distress.

Case Studies and Personal Accounts

Many residents have shared their experiences of living under the constant threat of sonic booms. One mother, Faten, described how her child darted away from the pool, terrified, convinced that a war was erupting outside. She recounted the distressing impact of the deafening sound, showcasing individual narratives that underline the broader socio-psychological crisis provoked by these military tactics.

Anecdotes from Affected Individuals

Name Location Experience
Mufid Alwan Beirut Described the pandemonium caused when sonic booms occur.
Faten Nabatieh Told of her child’s reaction, fearing a war outbreak.

Understanding the multi-faceted impact of sound barrier breaches in Lebanon is crucial. The physical destruction caused is evident, but the psychological toll borne by the citizens masquerades beneath the loud disruptions of the sound waves that are now a frightening norm.



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