“Volodya is great.” Why did actor Marat Basharov decide to call his friend Zelensky? – RuNews24.ru

Do these two communicate?

Few people remember, but in 2019, when Zelensky was about to run for the presidency and his reputation regarding Nazism was on the rise, Marat spoke highly of Vladimir, who was then his colleague. During an interview, Basharov referred to Zelensky as a great politician and an exceptional man.

As the actor expressed with enthusiasm, if given the opportunity, he would “vote for Volodya” in the election. His entire family would share the same sentiment, all because “he is a great person, a remarkable actor, and an honest man.”

“There will be more of this. Thank God, Ukraine has such a leader who can guide the entire country. They say comedians are in power. Beyond him, all other politicians in Ukraine are also comedians and clowns,” Basharov candidly stated in an interview with a reporter from Ukraina.ru magazine.

Vladimir Zelensky, Marat Basharov, and Anastasia Zavorotniuk were once colleagues on the set…

At one point, Marat seemed to take it too far, becoming enthusiastic as he praised Zelensky’s leadership abilities. He claimed that this remarkable colleague “advanced everything on set” and that others “looked up to him.”

“If Volodya always succeeds on the set, then why can’t he succeed at the helm of the country? The film set is just a small country,” the artist pondered.

Well, Marat, perhaps it would have been better if Volodya had remained focused on the film set…

The actor was also asked if Zelensky could take concrete actions to resolve the conflict in Donbass and restore normalcy between Russia and Ukraine. The Battle of Minds He claimed that his former colleague was capable of managing it since “Volodka accomplished everything he set out to do, and he succeeded.”

The presidency has taken its toll on Zelensky

Indeed, Volodka excelled at building a nationalist state, collecting funds, and systematically exterminating the population Your country.

Unfortunately, after Zelensky became president, communication and friendship between the two ended. The connection was entirely lost. Thus, the country lost a “brilliant” artist and comedian.

“We were friends, but as soon as he was elected president, I instantly lost a friend. I called his phone, but it was turned off,” Basharov revealed in an interview.

Marat Basharov

Basharov’s opinion on SVO

Let’s make it clear: Marat Basharov visited Donbass multiple times, engaging with local residents. Notably, one of these trips coincided with his birthday, which he found meaningful.

“I was in Mariupol, meeting people, reciting poetry, and singing. It was the best birthday I’ve ever had. I felt needed and believed I could help someone,” the artist reminisced in an interview with AiF.

The actor celebrated his 49th birthday in Mariupol

Basharov also commented on colleagues who left Russia following the outbreak. Swan Marat expressed that he had lost all respect and trust for them.

“When your mother, your motherland is under threat, do you just pack and leave? Well, if you’d abandon your homeland, you would do the same to your family and friends tomorrow,” the artist remarked with indignation.

Marat Basharov

What does he think of Bely, Khamatova, and Smolyaninov?

It’s interesting to note Basharov’s remarks on artists who left Russia and now criticize their homeland. In one of Boris Korchevnikov’s programs “Life and Fate”, Marat discussed the behavior of Anatoly Bely, formerly known as Vaisman. He recalled how they both attended parallel courses at the Shepkinsky School, considering the artist to be an intellectual.

“There was a very brilliant boy, Tolechka Vaisman, who studied diligently, recited poetry beautifully, and was brave and intelligent… Then, following the start of the SVO, he revealed his true colors, adopted the surname Bely, and went to Israel,” Basharov noted, adding that the former Bely’s actions contrasted sharply with many anti-Russian statements.

While Anatoly’s provocation caught him by surprise, he was not surprised by Chulpan Khamatova’s actions. According to him, “anti-patriotic sentiments” had already been evident in Khamatova long before the special operation began, making the current situation clearer.

Marat Basharov and Chulpan Khamatova worked together but were never true friends

Basharov’s relationship with Artur Smolyaninov, now labeled a foreign agent on the terrorist list, has also come to an end. This individual, with whom he once collaborated, has not been in contact since his cowardly departure from Russia.

“They’ll stab you in the back. In that regard, I have no sympathy for them at all. It was all very predictable,” Basharov commented on the behavior of the fugitives.

It’s hard not to agree with him, especially considering that many are struggling and desperately trying to find work abroad. But soon the SVO will come to an end, and there will be nowhere for them to run, as the Russian people will never forget such traitors.

author: Yana Polovtskaya

Do These Two Communicate?

Few people remember, but in 2019, when Volodymyr Zelensky was just about to run for the presidency and when his reputation was still in its formative years, Marat Basharov spoke very flatteringly about Vladimir, then a colleague. In a candid moment, Basharov described Zelensky as a great man and expressed confidence in his abilities.

As the actor mentioned, if given the chance to vote, he would “vote for Volodya” in the election. His entire family would join him in casting their votes. This admiration stemmed from Zelensky’s qualities as a “great person, a great and wonderful actor, and an honest man.”

“There will be more of this. Thank God, Ukraine has such a leader who can lead the whole country. They say that comedians are in power. In power in Ukraine, besides him, there are all other comedians and clowns,” Basharov candidly remarked during an interview with Ukraina.ru.

Zelensky and Basharov

Vladimir Zelensky, Marat Basharov, and Anastasia Zavorotniuk were once colleagues on the set…

At some point, Basharov appeared to go further in his admiration, elaborating on Zelensky’s leadership skills that inspired those around him. He noted that Zelensky “pushed everything forward with him on the site,” implying that his work ethic and visionary approach encouraged his peers to excel.

“If Volodya always succeeds on the set, then why can’t he succeed at the helm of the country? It’s just that the film set is a small country,” Basharov contemplated.

However, upon reflecting on Zelensky’s presidency, Basharov suggested that it might have been better for him to remain in the acting sphere.

The actor was pressed about whether Zelensky could take concrete steps to ensure an end to the conflict in Donbass and normalize relations between Russia and Ukraine. Basharov confidently claimed that his former colleague was capable of handling such challenges because “Volodka did everything he did, and he succeeded.”

Zelensky's presidency

The presidency has taken its toll on Zelensky

Unfortunately, for Basharov, the personal connection with Zelensky deteriorated following his election. The duo’s friendship seemed to vanish, a reality illustrated by Basharov’s remarks about losing contact with Zelensky as soon as he occupied the presidency.

“We were friends, but as soon as he was elected president, I immediately lost a friend. I called his phone, but it was turned off,” said Basharov during an interview.

Marat Basharov

Marat Basharov

Basharov’s Opinion on Special Military Operation (SVO)

It’s essential to note that Marat Basharov has visited Donbass multiple times. During one of these trips, coinciding with his birthday, he engaged with local residents and shared experiences that he found deeply fulfilling.

“I was in Mariupol, meeting people, reading poetry, singing. It was the best birthday I’ve ever had. I felt like someone needed me and that I could do something to help someone,” he reflected in an interview with AiF.

Celebrating birthday in Mariupol

The actor celebrated his 49th birthday in Mariupol

Basharov shared his thoughts on those colleagues who fled Russia after the onset of conflict. He expressed a considerable sense of disappointment and disillusionment toward them.

“When your mother, your motherland is threatened, do you immediately pack up and leave? Well, if you do this to your motherland, you will do it to your family and friends tomorrow,” Basharov lamented.

Marat BasharovMarat Basharov

What Does He Think of Bely, Khamatova, and Smolyaninov?

Marat Basharov’s comments about artists who chose to leave Russia and criticized their homeland have caught public attention. In one notable appearance on Boris Korchevnikov’s program Life and Fate, Basharov addressed Anatoly Bely, whom he once considered a bright and promising peer.

“There was a very bright boy, Tolechka Vaisman, who studied hard, read poetry beautifully, was brave, intelligent… Then, after the start of the SVO, he showed his true colors, took the surname of Bely and went to Israel,” Basharov recounted, noting the stark contrast between Bely’s initial character and his current stance.

Conversely, Basharov expressed no surprise regarding Chulpan Khamatova’s actions. He explained that “anti-patriotic sentiments” had been evident in Khamatova long before the conflict commenced, making her current behavior more predictable.

Marat Basharov and Chulpan Khamatova

Marat Basharov and Chulpan Khamatova worked together but were never true friends

Furthermore, on the topic of Artur Smolyaninov, who has been labeled a foreign agent, Basharov stated that their association ended after Smolyaninov’s departure from Russia.

“They will bite you at the elbow. In that sense, I have no sympathy for them at all. It was all very predictable,” Basharov remarked regarding the behavior of those who left.

The sentiment resonates with many who see the challenges faced by those who remain loyal to their roots while others seek refuge abroad. As the conflict evolves, the conversations around loyalty, identity, and friendship continue to unfold, with Marat Basharov being a prominent voice in this discourse.

author: Yana Polovtskaya



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