Mollicone, the usual left wants his resignation. From Bonaccini and Schlein the same old story –

Sinister assault on Federico Mollicone. The leaders of the Democratic Party unleash themselves against the deputy of the Brothers of Italy. Here is the intervention of Stefano Bonaccini, president of the Democratic Party and MEP: «The words of Mollicone, a parliamentarian of the Brothers of Italy, are of an unprecedented gravity. In the face of final sentences, which have unequivocally identified the fascist origin of the Bologna station massacre, Mollicone overturns history and subverts the facts, publicly denouncing the same acts of the judiciary. Faced with this umpteenth attempt to rewrite history against everything and everyone, it is no longer up to us to deny it, but directly to Giorgia Meloni. The presence of Mollicone in the Montecitorio chamber is already in itself a slap in the face to the dignity of Parliament and his permanence as president of an authoritative commission such as that of Culture and Education of the Chamber is impossible – Bonaccini underlines -. If Meloni doesn’t remove him from there and doesn’t kick him out of her party, it means she shares his subversive statements. We would then be facing a much more serious problem.”

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Then it is the turn of Elly Schlein, secretary of the Democratic Party: «It took someone like Mollicone, after two days of Giorgia Meloni’s usual victim mentality, to confirm that in her party there are those who are trying to rewrite history by denying the responsibilities of the neo-fascists ascertained by the sentences. It is very serious that on this sad day, 50 years after the neo-fascist massacre of the Italicus, from the institutional benches of the right-wing government there is still an attempt to pollute the memory of that period by questioning the sentences on Bologna and criticizing the judiciary. What is Meloni waiting for – asks Schlein – to distance herself from the very serious words of Mollicone, who proves to be completely unsuitable to chair the Culture Commission? Will party reasons prevail this time too?». The strategy of asking for resignations is always the same.

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#Mollicone #usual #left #resignation #Bonaccini #Schlein #story #Tempo
2024-08-06 17:01:15



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