Video: Right whales in Las Grutas, these are the dream sights of the season

Video: Right whales in Las Grutas, these are the dream sights of the season

2024-08-06 08:00:00

“It was an ideal day, you could fly a drone over the boat, which is rare for conditions to be met, and the visibility was great as the animals spent over 40 minutes interacting with us. This is one of many dreams we experience. About the incredible videos he uploads to his network (@agustinbaraschi). He then recounted the details of the great boat-based right whale watching season they experienced this past August in San Matías Bay (Las Grutas Beach and San Antonio del Este and Puerto San Antonio) .

Cetaceans (come to the area to breed in late July to early August) This year they expect. Although the official season opens in September and lasts from the 1st to the 30th of that month, its presence has been very active since mid-May and the possibilities for sightseeing are ongoing.

Agustín Baraschi is part of the Atlántico Avistajes team (@atlanticoavistajes), As a captain and guide, he is dedicated to taking tourists whale watching. In the winter you can also look for dolphins and go fishing by boat. «Soon we will get to the usual sighting dates, But we had a July with very good whale numbers and very good weather conditions for sailing,” he said. Another factor that stood out was distance..

The captain said the right whale was very close. They left the boat on the third descent and 10 or 15 minutes into the voyage they had sighted the whale. This was confirmed from the coast, since they can also be seen from there.

“Beyond the sightings, and I say this because I was born and raised here, these animals, along with dolphins and sea lions, bring life to the ocean. You see people on the beach with binoculars looking for them. Unlike previous years, the most you could see was a puff of smoke in the distance.

Video: Right whales in Las Grutas, these are the dream sights of the season

There are a lot of amazing statistics for Augustine. Persistence compared to last year is one or two whales passing by sporadically. Now, you see whales staying for a week, ten days, They recorded at least six whales and calves, “and probably more,” he said.

“These animals tend to Staying longer, until the offspring can travel to the breeding area, then gives rise to the concept of fidelity to the breeding site (philopatry). Babies born here are very likely to choose us again when they are young,” he stressed.

As marine biologist Magdalena Arias explained to Rio Negro newspaper, a higher birth rate will ensure that over time the animals that return to the area will reproduce, forming Birth chain, which will be the key to increasing the “number of animals”.

Born on the coast of Rio Negro, Agustín Baraschi always took advantage of his contact with the sea. Today he is working on this and he is grateful because this was his dream as a child. “It’s spectacular, but the most beautiful and rewarding thing is taking part in making people’s dreams come true. Adding everything we can to Las Grutas, we want to provide the best for the place where we live.”

What is the walk like?

There are four companies authorized to run boat tours departing from Las Grutas or San Antonio del Este. These activities are conducted using semi-rigid boats that can carry up to 10 passengers (including the captain and a guide). They last about two hours and pass through the interior of San Antonio Bay. they let you see Sea lions, dolphins, penguins, birds, and now an amazing right whale.

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