Today’s Gospel, Tuesday, August 6, 2024: “This is my beloved Son; this is my beloved Son; this is my beloved Son.” Listen to this”

2024-08-06 03:50:45

This Tuesday, church worship service Presents the experience of the Transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain. In this regard, Pope Francis assures that it is about “the fulfillment of revelation; thus the presence of Moses and Elijah at his side, representing the Law of the Prophets, means that everything is in Jesus, his passion and glory Ends and beginnings.

“For the disciples and for us, the command sounds like this: ‘Listen to Him.’ Listen to Jesus. He is the Savior: follow Him. In fact, listening to Christ, including adopting the logic of His Easter ministry, has nothing to do with He sets out together to make his existence a gift of love to others, obedient to the will of God, with an attitude of separation from worldly things, inner freedom. In other words, it is necessary for us to be ready to “lose our own life.” Prepare to donate it so that all may be saved and so that we can be reunited in eternal happiness,” the Pope assured.

“The way of Jesus always leads us to happiness. Let us not forget: the way of Jesus always leads us to happiness. There are crosses or tests in the middle, but in the end it always leads us to happiness. Jesus does not deceive us. He tells us We are promised happiness that He will give us if we follow His ways.

During the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word is one of the central moments of the celebration. At this time, reading Bible passages allows us to delve deeper into the teachings of Jesus Christ. Text we shared Tuesday, August 6, 2024 Published on the Vatican website.


Loss of imputability. For the church this is not a solution, their goal is prevention

Evangelio. (Vatican News)Evangelio. (Vatican News)

Liturgy for August 6, 2024: First Reading

Read the prophecies of Daniel

DN 7, 9-10. 13-14th

I, Daniel, have a night vision:

I saw a throne being placed and an old man sitting down. Her clothes were white as snow, and her hair was as white as wool. His throne is fire, with flaming wheels. A river of fire erupted in front of him. Thousands serve him and millions obey his command. The trial begins and the case files are opened.

As I continued my meditation in my night vision, I saw a person like the Son of Man descending from the clouds in the sky. He approached the man of many centuries and was ushered into his presence. Then he received sovereignty, glory, and the kingdom. All peoples and nations of all languages ​​serve him. His power will never end, for it is eternal power, and His kingdom will never be destroyed.

Daily Gospel: August 6, 2024

Reading of the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark

Mike 9, 2-10

At that time Jesus took Peter, James, and John, went up with them to a high mountain, and was transfigured before them. His clothes became extremely white, a whiteness unmatched by anyone in the world. Then Elijah and Moses appeared to them and talked with Jesus.

Peter said to Jesus, “Master, how comfortable we are here! Let us build three cabins, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. I really don’t know what he’s talking about, because They are scared.

Then a cloud formed and covered them with its shadow, and out of the cloud came a voice saying, “This is my beloved Son; this is my beloved Son.” Listen to this.

Just then they looked around and there was no one but Jesus, only Jesus with them.

As they came down the mountain, Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead. They kept this secret, but discussed among themselves the meaning of “raising from the dead.”

Jesus was with Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration.  (Vatican News)Jesus was with Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration. (Vatican News)

Daddy Francisco.  (Vatican News)

“No label”. Pope Francis: We need a Church that treats no one as impure

August 6, St. Osmida: Pope

According to the official Vatican website, Saints of the Day is a daily review of the saints preserved in the memory of the Church. In this section you will find stories, anecdotes, and miracles performed by these figures in Christian life at different times and places around the world.

Today the church commemorates St. Orsmida.

Omisda was a widowed deacon from Frosinone, whose son would also become pope.

He was elected in 514 and is remembered for the reconciliation between the Church of Rome and the Church of Constantinople after the Acacia Schism.

This confession of faith is named “Ormisda Formula”.

#Todays #Gospel #Tuesday #August #beloved #Son #beloved #Son #beloved #Son #Listen



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