Videos show how a Tesla catches fire in Tijuana after connecting to a power pole – 2024-08-06 05:30:01

According to preliminary reports from the fire department, The electric vehicle was connected to the public power supply using an unauthorized connection (illegal). The events occurred in the neighborhood of Playas, close to the dividing line between Mexico and the United States.

The event caught the attention of the inhabitants because the vehicle was connected by a ‘diablito’as it is known in Mexico to illegal connections in power outlets on public roads, and due to the type of car it was, not so common in the city.

“This is something unusual that affects us for the first time, see a Tesla burnt out“said Arturo Sánchez, Fire Coordinator who responded to the incident.

He noted that while these electric vehicles are not common, Yes, they had been preparing in advance to deal with any incident. that had to do with them.

“They are vehicles that in reality represents great challenges for firefightersespecially because of the risk and due to the large amount of water that has to be used to put out the flames in a vehicle like this,” the firefighter said.

According to their data and a first analysis The fire was caused by an illegal connection to the electric power polewhich from the beginning “already glimpsed a risk because electric vehicles, mainly Tesla, are very special and due to their characteristics you have to take care of all those details“.

He reiterated that, in light of this, in Tijuana the fire department has been insisting on the training and education of agents for the proper handling of accidents involving these vehiclessince “it is essential to know how to maneuver in these cases with electric power to avoid an accident among colleagues.”

According to the firefighter, The house that also caught fire was no injuries were reported, and the fire was contained in time so that it did not spread to nearby houses.

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