Allegations of Abuse: Fabiola Yáñez’s Lawyer Reveals Controversial Chats and Defense from Former President Alberto Fernández

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<p class="com-paragraph  --capital --s">The lawyer of Fabiola Yáñez and advisor to Alberto Fernández, <strong>Juan Pablo Fioribello</strong>, spoke amid the political turmoil caused by <strong>the discovery by the Justice of chats, photographs, and even a video that would be evidence of the physical mistreatment that allegedly </strong>the former president exerted on the now former first lady.</p>
<p class="com-paragraph   --s">The lawyer was interviewed by Luis Novaresio on his program <em>+Entrevistas</em> of <strong>LN+</strong> and revealed details of the conversation he had with the former Head of State regarding the evidence found on the cell phone of <strong>María Cantero</strong>, the historic secretary of the former president.</p>
<p class="com-paragraph   --s">“When I finished speaking with Fabiola, after the hearing concluded, <strong>I called Alberto Fernández and said ‘come because I want to see you. Let’s meet for a coffee. I want to see you face to face’</strong>,” recalled the lawyer who has served as an advisor to the Argentine former president for several years.</p>
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<p class="com-paragraph   --s">He continued: “I asked him the same thing: ‘Did you hit her? I don’t care if you were a good president or not. I’m evaluating something else… The act of hitting a woman, in this case, Fabiola. Did you hit her?’. He said to me: <mark class="hl_underline">‘I swear to God I have never hit a woman in my life’.”</mark></p>
<p class="com-paragraph   --s">“After that, he insisted that he had a thousand defects like any person due to the political things he experienced. <strong>But he clarified that if there was one thing he was sure of, it was that he had never in his life acted violently or hit a woman.’ He even got emotional telling me that. We were alone, having coffee and sharing a table.</strong> He told me ‘I never hit a woman in my life. And I never laid a hand on Fabiola. Please believe me’,” he concluded.</p>
<p class="com-paragraph   --s">Despite the good relationship he maintains with Fernández, the lawyer clarified the nature of his connection with the former president and was emphatic: “I do not have a personal relationship with him that involves me. I am not a friend of Alberto Fernández, I never was. I have a professional relationship.”</p>
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<figcaption class="mod-figcaption"><span class="com-text --caption --twoxs">Juan Pablo Fioribello interviewed by various media outlets </span></figcaption>
<p class="com-paragraph   --s">“I know he is going through a complicated moment personally, but I would tell him to stay calm on this issue. After that, if he messed up politically in other ways, the people will judge him,” analyzed <strong>Fioribello.</strong></p>
<p class="com-paragraph   --s"><strong>In that sense, he pointed out that it is not his job to judge the people he advises, as that is the role of the Justice. “</strong>I try to find the best possible way out so that his problem does not escalate at a personal and judicial level,” he indicated.</p>
<p class="com-paragraph   --s">On the other hand, he explained how the controversial Fabiola Yáñez is coping: “I know she is having pressure problems, which are rising, and she was being medicated for this issue through a doctor.”</p>
<p class="com-paragraph   --s">“Any separation, especially if it has the exposure that she had, has unpleasant aspects. Separating is ugly because you feel that your relationship has failed, just as being with someone and feeling fulfilled and comfortable is very nice. Failures have to be navigated with as much peace as possible, otherwise, you would suffer it 50 times more,” he reflected.</p>
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