Grey Art Gallery Collaborates with Redmiller Blood and Itenas to Hold Discussion on Mumain – 2024-08-06 00:44:04

Grey Art Gallery Together with Redmiller Blood, DKV Itenas held an online discussion about Mumain. (Doc. Gery Art Gallery)

HAVING ethnic diversity that leaves cultural traces, makes the Indonesian nation rich in cultural diversity, from visual arts to written texts, from tangible heritage. To the intangible. The Indonesian government also appreciates the importance of museums, as evidenced by the existence of 450 museums throughout the archipelago.

However, not all museums have the funds needed to raise public awareness, so it is the task of museums to
was reduced to storing ancient objects only.

Then, there are the huge distances in Indonesia, which makes it impossible for teachers and students to physically visit most of the museums.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, innovation in the field of museum and art gallery services was encouraged to open virtual tours, so that the public can still access information from museums or art galleries from their homes.

This technology has developed rapidly over the past three years and is now popularly known as the ‘Metaverse’, which has been adopted by businesses.

However, to date, of all the existing museums, only the National Museum of Indonesia displays 3D objects, which can be seen from all sides.

Also read: Waiting for the New Face of the National Museum after the Fire

It is on this basis that Grey Art Gallery collaborated with Redmiller Blood, DKV Itenas to hold an online discussion regarding the Indonesian Maya Museum (Mumain) on Tuesday (30/7).

In the online discussion, Lecturer of the DKV Study Program (Prodi) Itenas Bandung who is also the Founder of Mumain, Dr. Phill Eka Noviana, said that Indonesia’s cultural wealth, both tangible and intangible, needs to be brought to the surface without the constraints of distance and time.

“That is why we initiated the Indonesian museum research project in the Metaverse, under the name “Indonesian Virtual Museum” (Mumain),” explained Eka.

Also read: The National Museum will be equipped with an Advanced Fire Mitigation System

According to Eka, his party initiated the Indonesian museum research project in the Metaverse, with the name Mumain, which has been running for 2 years.
Lastly. By conducting scientific and technical research, and successfully creating prototypes of 5 showrooms, related to Mount
Padang, traditional children’s games, Tarawangsa music, Prambanan, the ship famous for its Borobudur reliefs, and Borobudur Temple.

“In addition to educational, cultural and tourism value, this project also offers job opportunities for talented designers and aspiring curators, to come into contact with the latest multimedia technology and gain their first practical experience,” he continued.

For additional information, the Mumain project was initiated by the Sarasvati Maya Nala Foundation based on a joint research project.
between the Visual Communication Institute at HBK (Braunschweig University of Art) represented by Prof. Eku Wand and Prof. Ulrich Plank with DKV Itenas represented by Dr. Phill. Eka Noviana and Prof. Titus Leber from Vienna, who is also a member of the European Parliament of Culture. (H-2)

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