What insect bites can cause erythema?

2024-08-02 17:30:00

Mosquitoes, horseflies, wasps, hornets, fire ants and even ticks: between long nights outdoors, lunches on the grass and walks in the forest, insect bites are especially easy to get in the summer! Although these summer sores are usually benign, they may still require consultation with a health professional.

Blisters, pimples, redness: How to recognize an insect bite?

Insect bites usually appear as small papules, blisters, and redness.

What insect bites cause red spots?

« Most insect bites cause Red and itchy skin Most of the time, and probably a large percentage of some peopleimmediately designated Dr. Nina Ross. It can range from small red papules to plaques several centimeters in diameter. ».

We all react differently to the same sting. Some skin is more reactive than others, but this is not a sign of allergies. Dr. Nina Rose, dermatologist.

Even the most common mosquito bite can cause red lesions several centimeters long! ” Proportionally speaking, the more painful the sting, the more intense the skin’s reaction.”, continues the expert. The size of the bite and the age of the person are also aggravating factors: e.g. Eyelids bitten by mosquitoes This can cause considerable swelling, making it difficult to open your eyes. »

How do we know which insect bit us?

While most insect bites appear as papules or red spots, their appearance can allow you to more accurately identify who caused them.


Most of the time, mosquito bites are benign and appear as a small red button in the area and level of the bite site. tickle. To avoid being bitten, don’t hesitate to use repellent in the most dangerous areas.

Hymenoptera: wasps, bees, bumblebees

Hymenoptera stings often cause severe pain burning sensation, skin swelling, redness or even slight induration. ” If you develop generalized urticaria, angioedema, difficulty breathing (asthma attacks), a drop in blood pressure, and general malaise within a few minutes of being bitten by a hymenopteran insect (wasp, bee, or bumblebee), you may be in allergic shock. You should dial 15 immediately », insists the dermatologist.


Have you ever come home from a walk in the tall grass with a tick on your calf? Tick ​​bites are painless. ” Most of the time there is no itching or redness. Dr. Nina Ross confirms this. On the other hand, if a red, inflamed patch appears around the bite and spreads after a few days, it may be erythema migrans, symptoms of Lyme disease. Then you need to consult your doctor. »

bed bugs

The most common characteristics of bed bug bites are Align stitches, grouped on straight paths. ” Then Itches very badly ! » Dermatologist warns. Bed bugs are usually found in places where people sleep or rest: beds, sofas…” To get rid of bed bugs, it is recommended to call a pest control professional. », adds the expert.


Flea bites are characterized by small red dots, often clustered together, and are accompanied by intense itching.

This is a classic summer seasonal rental, where turnover is high and cleaning is lax. Dr. Nina Ross.

Even if a bite isn’t serious, it can still be unpleasant, especially if there are a lot of bites!


Less well known is that chiggers are a Mites The larvae attach to the host (animals, humans, etc.) and feed. Its bite appears as a rash with small red patches 2 to 3 mm in diameter. Then, a few hours later, severe itching sets in, which can last for a week.

red ant

Let the man who sits in the grass and has never been called upon by an army of red ants throw the first stone at us! Bites cause pain as well as localized swelling and redness. Some people may also develop red, itchy patches.


Bites from horseflies (a large, flat, dark brown fly) are especially severe pain and accompanied by local inflammation Red patches appearing at the bite site. If symptoms usually disappear after a few hours, then when symptoms persist for several days, it is recommended to see a doctor…


Unlike other insects, spiders don’t sting…they bite! we recognize its bite small dots left by hooks. « Spider bites often cause inflammation, causing redness and swelling in the area », experts explain.

How to relieve anger after being bitten by an insect?

To relieve inflammation associated with insect bites, wrap an ice cube in a clean cloth after cleaning the wound with soap and water or an antiseptic. The cold will relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Swelling, itching, infection: When should you worry after an insect bite?

IL It is recommended to consult your GP or dermatologist When an insect bite causes persistent and annoying itching or show signs of infection. ” The most common case of consultation is ignorance of insect stings: when a patient suffers multiple, unexplained, numerous stings or itching.”, confirms Dr. Nina Roos.

Seeing a healthcare professional is also recommended Once reinfection occurs, when The sting site turns yellowwhen it releases yellowish or purulent fluid accompanied by throbbing or throbbing pain, or when red patches continue to spread after the initial sting. »

What treatments are available?

Treatment depends on the insect bite and symptoms.

« if it results in tickle If symptoms are stubborn and there is no recurring infection, cortisone cream may be enough to relieve itching”, experts explain.

in the case of hyperinfection shallow, We will prescribe antibiotic cream if the infection is more widespread or deeper antibiotic oral.

SecondFinally, stings from hymenoptera (particularly horseflies and wasps) are particularly painful, so pain relievers such as paracetamol and topical cortisone may be necessary. »

#insect #bites #erythema



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