How writers Japin and Van Dis help athlete Lieke Klaver win an Olympic medal

And what does an athlete read? Something that makes you fall asleep. For Klaver, these are not the average books, but heavy literature. “Arthur Japin and Adriaan van Dis. Those are really my two favorite writers,” she says. But the most important thing: ‘Staying happy and just doing my thing. Not too many crazy things, then it will be fine.”

On the track, there are also countless things Klaver has to focus on. Despite her strong performance at the last World Championship, where she came in fourth, there are still plenty of points of attention. She divides the 400 meters into four parts. And every 100 meters she pays attention to something else. “Rhythm, listening to footwork, tilting the pelvis or keeping the shoulders low. Sometimes I run and think: my coach is really proud of me.”

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