Schools: What time will the children go to school from September – 2024-08-05 20:44:58

The operation of the Primary schools in general follows the philosophy of last school year with a change, however, in the time of departure from the All Day which will be implemented from the very first days with the start of classes.

Primary students have a fixed schedule with students studying from 8:15am to 1:15pm. At the same time, a Morning Zone section (7:00′- 8:00′), for reception (7:00′- 7:15′) and time for educational activities (7:15′- 8:00′), can be set up in Primary Schools. a provision recorded in schools where a relevant need is identified.

Students who are registered and studying in the Full-Day Program have the right to participate in this section.

The minimum number for the operation of the Morning Zone section is 10 students for schools with functionality from 9/seats and above. As an example, the program that a primary school student is asked to bring every day is the following:

07.15 – 08.00 45′ Morning Zone

08.00 – 08.15 15′ Attendance of students

08.15 – 09.00 45′ 1st ​​teaching hour

09.00 – 9.40 40′ 2nd teaching hour

09.40 – 10.00 20′ Break

10:00 – 10:45 45′ 3rd teaching hour

10:45 – 11:30 45′ 4th teaching hour

11:30 – 11:45 15′ Break

11:45 – 12:25 40′ 5th teaching hour

12:25 – 12.35 10′ Break

12:35 – 13:15 40′ 6th teaching hour

13.15 – 13.20 5′ Departure of Morning Program students

13:20- 17:30 – Transfer of Full Day Program students

So the change that we announced to you regarding the possibility of Primary students withdrawing from the All-day program is the fact that from now on their withdrawal will take place at 15:50, at the end of the second teaching hour of the 2nd zone, or at 17:30, at the end of the program. In addition, the departure may also take place at 14:55 at the end of the 1st teaching hour of the 2nd zone.

What applies to students of Secondary Education (High Schools – High Schools)

As for the timetable of Middle Schools and High Schools, there is no change as exactly what is in force this year will apply. In particular, the timetable for secondary education schools is structured as follows:

1st 08:15 09:00 45′ 1st 08:15 09:00 45′
2nd 09:00 09:45 45′ 15 minute break
15 minute break 2nd 09:15 10:00 45′
3rd 10:00 10:45 45′ 3rd 10:00 10:45 45′
4th 10:45 11:30 45′ 15 minute break
15 minute break 4th 11:00 11:45 45′
5th 11:45 12:30 45′ 5th 11:45 12:30 45′
6th 12:30 13:15 45′ 15 minute break
15 minute break 6th 12:45 13:30 45′
7th 13:30 14:10 40′ 7th 13:30 14:10 40′

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#Schools #time #children #school #September



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