How is the pulse in case of thick blood?

According to him, it can change in different situations – for example, after exercise or due to stress, but what happens to the pulse when the blood density increases?

The specialist points out that the term “thick blood” has three common meanings:

– When the body becomes dehydrated and loses the liquid part of the blood – plasma.

– When the number of red blood cells increases. This often occurs in people who have been in oxygen deprivation for a long time, such as smokers or those who serve on submarines.

– When blood clotting increases. As a result of increased platelet count in the blood, diseases of the blood clotting system, and coagulopathy.

“True blood thickening occurs when the liquid part of the blood in the body – plasma – decreases and/or the number of blood components, especially red blood cells, increases. Thick blood often increases the risk of clotting, which can lead to blood clots in the blood vessels, myocardial infarction and stroke,” he says.

According to him, blood density often increases as a result of: dehydration, taking diuretics, or lack of oxygen for a long period.

How is the pulse in case of thick blood?

Pulse represents the heart rate. It turns out that in order for the thick blood in the blood vessels to flow well, the heart must exert more effort. So what is the pulse rate in this case?

According to Dr. Golshabov, it should be 60-80 beats per minute, to ensure the necessary amount of oxygen is transferred, without increasing the burden on the heart. A pulse rate of less than 50 beats per minute will not ensure the normal functioning of the brain, so it may lead to loss of consciousness and dizziness. A pulse rate of more than 90 beats per minute is an additional burden on the heart.

He says: “As for blood pressure levels, for any person, including those suffering from thick blood syndrome, the optimal blood pressure level is 110/70 -120/80 mm Hg. As for pressure above 140/90 mm Hg, it is considered high and negatively affects the blood vessels and organs of the body.”

The doctor advises people who suffer from blood density to be under the supervision of the treating physician to conduct blood tests regularly, primarily to control the hematocrit level (shows the ratio of the liquid part to the elements that make up the blood), and for prevention.

According to him, it is also important to pay attention to lifestyle: quit smoking, spend a lot of time outdoors, do not take diuretics without a prescription, get more rest, avoid stress, drink enough water daily, exclude foods that cause increased blood density (salt above all).


#pulse #case #thick #blood
2024-08-05 18:14:59



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