Successful Resolution: Mediation Leads to Divorce Agreement Amidst Emotional Challenges

This case involved a situation where the client sought a divorce due to irreconcilable differences, and after separating from the other party, the divorce negotiations were difficult because the other party was uncooperative regarding the divorce.

While the client regained some mental stability by creating distance through separation, the ongoing marriage itself continued to cause emotional distress, leading to a strong desire for an early resolution to the divorce.

The other party, while saying, “We will eventually get divorced,” did not specify any concrete timeline for this “eventuality” and remained quite uncooperative regarding the divorce at that point in time.

Legal Strategy and Lawyer’s Response

As negotiations between the parties had become increasingly difficult, the attorney immediately filed for divorce mediation.
By filing for divorce mediation, a neutral third party, the mediator, would intervene, which helped establish an environment that would prevent emotional disputes.

Additionally, the client made efforts to persuasively explain that the request for divorce was not to cause the other party emotional or financial suffering but was viewed as the best option for both parties’ mental health.

During discussions, it became clear that the other party felt that they would be unfairly burdened with sole custody of the children if a divorce took place.
Naturally, the client did not share this sentiment, so they actively worked to engage in parenting discussions and address concerns related to the children’s development and health sincerely.

Through these specific actions, the other party was eventually able to imagine a clearer picture of life after divorce and interactions, gradually leading to an agreement on the divorce conditions.

ALG & Associates Law Firm

Chiba Law Office – Activities of the Divorce Case Attorney and Resolution Results

As a result, the other party ultimately agreed to the divorce, and a divorce was successfully established through mediation.

If an agreement had not been reached through discussions, we would have had to consider filing for divorce litigation after several years of separation; however, we were able to reach a successful resolution, and the client was very satisfied.



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