The Royal Irrigation Department has welcomed the Prime Minister’s son’s move to tackle flooding and drought issues. Set a goal and strive to complete the water plan within three years.

2024-08-05 09:43:00

The Prime Minister sits at the head of the water management conference table. The focus is on managing and solving water problems quickly. Accelerate the drafting of a three-year plan for water resources and important projects, which will be completed and submitted to the cabinet within August. At the same time, the Minister of Agriculture is preparing a plan to use a 500 billion baht budget to solve flood and drought problems in the Ping River Basin area. Chi-Mun River Basin.

On August 5, 2024, Prime Minister Mr. Seta Taweesin chaired a meeting to discuss water resources management issues. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs, and Capt. Thammanat Promphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives in the conference room of the Smart Water Operations Center (SWOC) of the Royal Ministry of Irrigation.

Mr. Chuchat Rakjit, Director of the Royal Irrigation Authority of the United Kingdom, briefly introduced the water situation. In the 2024 rainy season, the cumulative rainfall from May 20 to August 1, 2024 was 563.2 mm, 74.8 mm more than normal, equivalent to 15% of the predicted rainfall and water volume. Information as of August 4, 2024. Currently, there are 40.163 billion cubic meters of water. Accounting for 57%, it will receive an additional 30,763 cubic meters of water, which is equivalent to 43% of the water volume forecast on November 1, 2024. It is expected to have 54.93 billion cubic meters of water and storage. Compared with 2023, the water storage capacity is 56.386 billion cubic meters, accounting for 77%. Accounting for 79%, the water volume in 2024 is expected to be 1.456 billion cubic meters less than in 2023.

After the meeting, the Prime Minister revealed that considering water issues is another big problem that Thailand faces every year. Whether it’s floods, drought or poor water quality the government intends to address the issue urgently. Responsible for water affairs through designated government agencies. Continuously integrate work plans and important projects to accelerate implementation within 3 years, and consider important long-term projects to achieve “water to fields, water to every village” and effectively solve the flood problem.”

The Prime Minister also emphasized improving the efficiency of existing projects. To be able to take full advantage of it and consider building additional water management networks and distribution systems. In order to rationally utilize the national budget. The Royal Irrigation Department and GISTDA are assigned to report areas that are repeatedly flooded during this rainy season. and guidelines for resolving issues that arise.

The Prime Minister further said that after listening to the NESDB Secretary General’s presentation on water management, the ONWR Secretary General, the Director General of the Royal Department of Irrigation and the Director of GISTDA pointed out the status of water problems in Thailand. And the plan to solve such problems achieves maximum accuracy and efficiency by integrating and cooperating with relevant agencies. The policy issues related to water resources and key projects in the three-year plan are as follows:

1. The National Water Conservancy Administration accelerates the formulation of a three-year water resources plan and important projects to be completed. The ONWR will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the plan, with a report to be submitted to Cabinet within August. and report regularly to the Cabinet 2. To the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment and the National Water Conservancy Administration to operate in an integrated manner in accordance with the above plan. In order to achieve the stated results and 3. For ONWR to supervise and supervise relevant agencies in all sectors operating in compliance with water management guidelines. Carry out work in strict accordance with the 10 measures to deal with the rainy season

In addition, the Prime Minister asked the Royal Irrigation Department to pay close attention to the detailed details about the water volume. Readiness to monitor risk areas includes expediting dredging of the Sungai Kolok River. Don’t be superficial. There is still time to proceed. The Thai-Malaysian Joint Commission is involved because both Malaysia and Thailand are suffering from it. To prevent flooding in the area, especially Narathiwat.

“In areas where floods occur repeatedly, the Ministry of National Water Resources should be integrated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. And the Ministry of Interior should clarify the boundaries of areas of responsibility and solve flood control issues. We want to emphasize controlling the situation and solving problems quickly. Have effective communication with the public. Create knowledge , understand, access and minimize the impact on citizens to accelerate solutions to water resources issues within 3 years.

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